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Posts posted by PixelRush

  1. "I declare, ya'll are so impatient! These rolly coasters are complicated; there's almost as much support on that thang than one of my bras!


    Ya know, here in the hills when things get tense, we gather on the front porch with friends and kinfolk, sing some songs, snort some Oxycontin, eat some cinnamon bread. . . and next thing ya know a month has gone by and the 'lectric's been shut off but you're that much closer to your dream!


    Keep dreaming ya'll, and see ya at Dollywood!

    I just snorted from reading a bit myself

  2. Great to see the park stay true to their words. This should help to reduce the metal fatigue of that part in the long run keeping it smooth, but I mis that wiggle already.

    I don't understand why they decided to minimize the spine size on a section with such stress... They should have foreseen that instead of sticking a weak-looking post up shortly after finding out about the problem! Wouldn't they find that in design phase?

  3. After reading all of this, I've come to a basic conclusion... this is the most sought-after credit the world has ever seen


    I bumped this with all the "Lightning Rod will never open" crap going on, and many people (including me) not getting the Orphan Rocker references. I'm quite interested in this now...



    I wish

  4. IDK if any of you guys noticed, but the airtime is really bad compared to last year. Like on the hill after the drop usually you would get airtime before you hit the top and you'd be pulled back down, but I felt it was you get to the top and pop just a bit and kind of fall down quickly and ride the bottom of the hill. It was similar on the others, and I felt serious vibration on/after the overbank (on the S-turn).


    My theory is because the center of gravity has been put back into its intended position, then you don't float as much as when the speakers added upward force and a higher center of gravity. Also, the intensity isn't really there because there's no music...

  5. I know that you adults hate Taylor and his videos, but please stop. I agree with your points too, but this isn't the "Roast Coaster Studios (RCS) Discussion Thread"... plus you know he's probably read all this by now Also remember my age has nothing to do with this, so it's not worth attacking me...


    Come on though, we have better things to talk about!


    Anyone up for this concept? It was well thought out, so make sure to read the description. And not to mention an awesome coaster idea, which Kings Island has actually acknowledged publicly, meaning it is in play for possibilities...


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