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Posts posted by PixelRush

  1. I wonder if they're going to do a commercial shoot for the Joker. That's something I would love to be a part of. Does anyone know when they usually shoot things like that?

    Media day, opening day, or not too far off from opening. You'd know if you saw papers at the entrance telling you that you are giving the park permission to film you if you enter, and the ride might have some train shell parts missing and GoPros mounted in multiple spots.


    But when exactly? No clue

  2. After my visit Sunday, I think I'm going to have to join in on this Skull Mountain Back Row Party.


    I rode it with my friend who has around 100+ pounds on me which meant I had a pretty good sized gap between me and the lap bar, and holy crap - I thought I was actually going to get launched out of the train. It felt like I went down the hill standing up! I've never experienced airtime quite like that before.

    I've experienced it too, boldikus knows all. All hail boldikus. All hail boldikus.

  3. Sometimes in my dreams, I get visions of really amazing rides that I should totally make in NL2 someday.


    1) Boat ride with a cool pre-ride section that goes near a town looking scene and right next to the station before the rest of the ride. From then on, it was just trippy goodness


    2) An old-style wood coaster plopped down in the middle of a neighborhood, with it being slightly sunk in a concrete pit and small roads going around the site with all of the houses facing it. The outside had the normal chain link fence, and just looked so retro but beautiful at the same time (because for whatever reason, retro neighborhoods seem to be a happy place for me)! I think that would be such an awesome thing IRL, if the neighbors where okay with the noise

  4. Squeezing into a small kiddycoaster being the whore I am only to realize the operator was a beautif girl my age eyeing me, giggeling and shaking her head. Those things go more than one lap so everytime I passed her I made a forced smile dying a bit inside.

    lol >tfw

  5. Talking about engineering a full stripper experience into Valravn is far better conversation than the crying and chick fighting going on in the Dollywood thread.

    I just can't deal with the stress on that thread they argue about one thing and one thing only for weeks dammit Like we get it the ride isn't ready and they messed up on a commercial what more is there to talk about?!

  6. Another interesting thing, was LC also said Phobia had the longest queue length in the park. Adding onto this there are several buildings giving the idea that it's mostly indoors... Which I think would be a potential 'scare maze'. Maybe not jumpscares, but general atmosphere and what not which is really cool. - Mrcrolly, NoLimits Forum


    Really cool if this is true!

  7. - Actually every floorless coaster in America except Dominator and Rougarou (but especially Hydra)


    You really think Bizarro is forceless? What are you smoking? It's not relentless throughout for sure, but on a good day it definitely has its moments: the zero-g no doubt, it really rips through the cobra roll, the helix after the midcourse is pretty heavy, the first vertical loop in the front or back of the train. Speaking of which, you really get yanked nicely through the entire course sitting in the back of Bizarro. My fave floorless out of Hydra, Rougarou and Bizarro, and by a large margin.

    Bizarro is an awesome ride, and I definitely remember the zero-g roll and how crazy that was. I really don't understand this whole "forceless" thing, because most coasters have great forces. You know, we just have such high standards that we tend to shun the ones that are less than that...

  8. Don't know if this has been noticed or explained...why is Harley Quinn missing track?


    Since it doesn't have a transfer track they remove that piece to remove and add the train.


    Ah, same reason as Joker, which I asked about last week when I noticed that piece missing last week. Should have known that. Thanks for the response.

    It actually does have a transfer track though, but I can't really say much because I don't know about how they install on those coasters

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