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Posts posted by Tackleberry

  1. I would like to say that Hooks Lagoon is in total disrepair. I remember it in its glory when I was a child. I can't believe it is even still open. Countless water features not working, bucket gone, slide gone and space boarded over, faux palms falling apart, exposed cables that should be wrapped with rope, etc.


    The water park additions have all been really nice, and the popularity is there. They need to replace this with a new water play area. I actually think they should do that before building a new coaster.


    Slide gone? Both were still there last time I was there.

  2. I am sure everyone is aware that "announcement season" is upon us. This would be great if DL were to be getting a new coaster next year, which we all understand is highly unlikely, but they will most likely add something. Keep an eye out for the town of darien and genesse county planning board meetings and agendas as any attraction will need approval.


    DL is usually a Feb/March announcement, save Blast Off.

  3. For starters, Darien Lake should shorten Viper's que line since that ridiculously long path that is the main que line for Viper is now probably unnecessary .

    There's really no way to do that with the way the ride is laid out.


    Oh yes there is, move that SNBO mini golf course and re-route the paths leading into the main que and the exit!


    .... which wouldnt shorten it any significant way.

  4. ^^To clarify, did you mention that Ranger is somewhere in the parking lot now? With all of the defunct rides that the park stores, they could start an "Island of Misfit Rides" attraction

    My brother went a few days earlier and saw it by the barn. I would have snapped a photo but I found it out the day after I went.


    Question. How does one actually get to that area? And now frowned upon is it to go that way?


    I think its the silo by the PAC that hes talking about, so thats outside the park. Ive seen the old B:TE cars there in past years.

  5. I have gone to Darien lake for a long time and seen the ups and downs for the last 30 years. I went over the weekend and will say I'm left more impressed then I was last year. The trash I saw last year was cleaned up and some rides looked like they got some recent attention. All the staff seemed very upbeat and were great with there children. It wasn't perfect but seems like they were working in the right direction. Here are a few of my takeaways.

    For some reason I can't upload my water park photos. There attention to the park is most noticeable in the water park. The lines were the longest there so it makes sense. Most rides were open and were well staffed. I just have a few complaints. Hook Lagoon still missing it's bucket (i think it's not coming back), the bridge to nowhere should be taken down IMHO, biggest is why do they separate Hooks Lagoon from the water park so poorly. You have to walk out of it on the hot blacktop and enter in a different area. The whole are is confusing. Hard to reach the lazy river and a bit confusing on how to get anywhere. But overall it was a nice area.

    Other notes, I am so very very sad to see all the lights cut off the giant wheel. It was the icon of the park!!!! new LED would do it wonders. The rolling thunder was... not my thing but does look cool at night. I do love this park. My earliest memories was camping here (same weekend the lightning killed 3 people) swimming in the pool the motocoaster sits in, watersides into the lake and a lazy river the has a series of drops. They will always be missed but understandable that changes occur. I just hope to see the park slowly renovate the rides they have and bring in the guests.


    I really wish they would reopen the covered bridge. It shortens the walk back to the campground considerably.

  6. Just a quick question, does anyone know if ultimaterollercoaster.com, has any valid creditable information on anything that is posted on that site?


    I have never visited that site before, but after a quick paruse, I would not put much into what they are saying for 2017. That old stand up coaster will not ever be built at DL or any park for that matter. It was not taken down properly, so putting it back up is now impossible.


    Oh I used to work at the park but it does bring up a few points, even though it was taken apart wrong the only issues that it had was the cap off the lift whch dropped which was what I have heard from people in maintenance when I was there, but whoever knows at this point.


    Exposed to the elements and rusting for 10 years... its garbage. It was a crap rude to begin with. And, a recent employee said its never going to be re-assembled. There's also a waterslide complex in the field behind it that is not going to be re-assembled. Why they havent junked either one, nobody knows.

  7. Yeah I have to agree with you. Unfortunately, the park has had to remove a lot of our thrill rides over the past few years because it is just too costly to maintain them, and Huss won't supply any parts to fix them. Only about half of the rides they have removed have been replaced. Now with Ranger gone, and Twister doesn't seem to be opening any time soon, it would be nice if they focused on the dry side next year. Our current operator, Premier, has apparently made it a goal to add something every year, similar to Six Flags.


    To be fair they only removed 3 flat rides. Ranger, Raging seas, and UFO (while they claim its being refurbished). (and the kiddy motor bikes)


    But in the last 5 years have added:

    -Rolling Thunder

    -Blast Off

    -Hornet's Nest

    -Moose on The Loose


    And Heave Ho. And brought Scrambler back. The bikes were sent to another park I believe.

  8. Wow! One thing that nobody talks about on this thread is the revenue that comes from the campground and hotel. I don't know if they are operated separately from the park, but is profit from the campground/hotel being used toward the park?


    My 1 year anniversary of being a member of Theme Park Review, tomorrow! Yay me!


    Probably a combination. Alot has been done to replace old trailers and a lot of cabins have been added over the years.

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