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Everything posted by HartmannHunter22

  1. Hmm. Well, there people is our BRAND NEW ROLLER COASTER! Honestly, I don't think anyone can tell if its going to be amazing or just stupid.
  2. With SFSTL just buying all that land, could there be a possibility of a hyper, either RMC, Intamin or B&M(really don't care which), that would have a station where tidal wave is now? Then they could just send it out there into the big area, kinda like Great Adventure did with Nitro. Designers would have a TON of room to work with for different ride elements and ideas. Also, regarding the whole infrastructure improvements. At the beggining of season I drove by heading to Tulsa, and the first thing I noticed was a ton of new paint, and how nice it looked. Kudos to everyone at SFSTL for trying their best to make people happy, and having the park look and function way better now than it did years back. Its good to know people who are passionate and care about it are helping it grow in ways we could have never imagined. And I think a few people in the forum earlier said they would rather go to WOF than SFSTL. I went to WOF this spring and... well. It wasn't that good. In fact, I think I liked SFSTL better, and I'm not just saying that because SFSTL is my home park. I mean, Mamba was ok, but after riding it a few times in a row you didn't really want to again. Both prowler AND timberwolf weren't operating. I find it hard to beleive Prowler is better than American Thunder, and Boss is worse and rougher than Wolf. Patriot was definitely better than Batman, but I firmly believe that SFSTL is a better overall park. BTW, this thread is WAY better and more interesting than WOF's. So Kudos to everyone on here who makes it so speical.
  3. I am going to loufest today, which reminds me of how sad it is at how SFSTL doesnt have any big concerts anymore
  4. HWHFan has pointed that out many times. But yeah, for sure boss over eagle. Boss over hyper? I kinda think that a new B&M hyper would draw more, being as there is not one of those for a long bit of lang (Does Mamba Count?) Hate to say it but people like bigger, event ho its not always better. And a hyper would def be that.
  5. I know a lot of the GP won't always notice, and sometimes not care, but infrastructure improvements in the park are greatly appreciated. Especially the bit about A/C, that will make a lot of people happy. Somehow I am feeling strangely optimistic about the parks direction. And I have a feeling I am not the only one.
  6. Yeah, looking at the park it would make sense that that would happen. They are looking to expand back in that area right (and are already adding rides and sprucing up that area) so it would be logically plausible.
  7. *Day after announcement* Random User: "Well, we are for sure getting a coaster next year right! I bet on an Iron Boss." -Next Year- SFSTL: "We are exited to announce our new HH expansion!" Random User: "NOW we are FOR SURE getting a coaster next year, RIGHT?!" Etc... ^ Sums up this forumn.
  8. I feel like a HH addition/upgrade is definitely going to be in the five year plan. I wouldn't be surprised nor sad if it went: Flat-HH-Roller Coaster.
  9. Exactly. Lets be realistic here, what type of ride did you think we were gonna get after an investment like JLBFM. Also, I hope this will be able to give them some extra time this off-season and early spring to improve the park even more, spruce it up, work on its infrastructure, and get everything that they may have had problems with this year in the best running condition possible.
  10. "Los Heat" Two "Heat" related Teases. So no HH addition this year? The only rides that SF has themed to fire or heat in the past few years has been the Super Loopers... So realistically I would look to that. Feel free to correct my if there are other Fire or Heat themed Rides at SF Parks. And I mean "Themed" Lightly.
  11. Larson Superloop confirmed: Named St.Louis Fireball. Located next to Tidal Wave.
  12. Is it just me or does the DC Plaza look kinda bleh. Like the buildings around it look decent but I wish, I wish there some shade in the middle like a few trees with benches around them or SOMETHING other than just an iffy DC Logo in the middle. I get that its the DC Plaza, but something like some sprucing up there could really help the feel of park. I know that y'all are trying to improve that, but that plaza kinda looks like an eyesore. Especially compared to parks in Missouri like SDC and WOF.
  13. How was it? And yea, HWH whenever you want to post those pictures... Also, you all saw the "hint" today on the sign right? At least they are aknowledging something is happening lol
  14. Really? No breakdowns? No none working doors? I hope your right. Can anyone else confirm that the ride was running properly?
  15. Well... since they are just doing weekends now hope jlbfm gets "fixed". HWH Fan surely there must be some new chatter around the park about something new.
  16. OMG! They're relocating Speedy Gonzales' Truckin' Across America to St. Louis!!!! That would be very SIx Flags-ish.
  17. Im sure Dave will help interview canidates and whatnot, so I am sure the person who takes over won't be terrible.
  18. Agreed, especially coming out of bankruptcy. I mean, we have gotten a ride or attraction every year for the past however years now. Even if its a shitty boomerang, they are trying. Maybe its not as much as other parks in the chain, but they aren't neglecting us. Corporate is not making the same type of investments for our park, but given the amount of people they are marketing to and other variables are you surprised?
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