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Posts posted by gardyloo!

  1. I guess disney's just conscious about how much impact crushing someone's thighs has on the operations. Seeing how disney world gets over 30 million visitors annually, they just need to keep the capacity on their rides as high as possible. Moreover I woudn't consider any ride at disney extreme, so a visual check or quick pull on the restraint should do the trick.

    Shame you didn't ride ToT! It's probably one of the greatest ride disney's ever created and theming alone is worth it.


    Anyway you could never see enough photos of disneyworld so keep it up .

  2. the stall on TC is my favorite element from it so if the stall from the Joker is somehow better I don't know if i'll ever be able to ride it enough. I wish The Joker had a normal drop just like I wish Roar did so it could be steeper and not have that weird curve/turn. However different is good and The Joker is certainly different from TC.


    Curious, the first drop reminds me of Expedition Geforce, and I have yet to encounter a drop greater than E-GF.

    Then again Twisted colossus' first drop(s) aren't too shabby either.

  3. I was lucky enough to ride Mako 7 times during the preview day yesterday. 3x in front, 2x in 2nd row, and 2x in back.


    Overall it is a fantastic ride! Easily the best B&M hyper I've experienced and I'd even say it's a strong contender for best coaster in Orlando. For reference, other B&M hypers I've ridden are Apollo's Chariot, Diamondback, Nitro, and Raging Bull. Mako reminded me of an improved and refined version of Nitro, with better forces and pacing.


    I'll attempt to review it element by element:

    First off, the lift hill felt pretty fast for a chain lift and provided a nice view of Orlando. First drop is great and decently steep for 200'. The back row is excellent here, I was catapulted out of my seat for the entire duration of the drop. Large overbanked turn is quick and fun with a bit of hangtime. The first large parabola hill provides fantastic airtime, strongest I've experienced on a B&M. The hammerhead turnaround felt similar to those on Diamondback & Nitro, but a little tighter. The next parabola hill provides great floater air. The trim was on every time I rode, unfortunately. It's a light tap, but it was noticeable. Next hill continues the floater airtime ending with a banked dive towards the water. Nitro has a similar shaped hill, but I've never gotten airtime on it like I did on Mako's. Next up is the speed hill - definitely one of my favorite elements on the ride. It provided long sustained airtime in every seat I rode in, just pure bliss. Then a small pop of airtime brings us into the MCBR.


    The MCBR was little hit and miss for me. I had 5 rides where the MCBR was barely on, and 2 rides where it slowed us down quite a bit. They're obviously still testing it, so we'll have to wait and see where it ends up. But it really is a terrific finale if the train has that extra speed. The airtime hill after the MCBR is the weakest of the entire ride and is similar to the final hills on Nitro or Diamondback. The 90 degree banked turn into the park is awesome and provides a pop of sideways airtime if the MCBR didn't slow you down too much. Then you break through some beautiful shipwreck theming into another banked turn that gracefully dives towards the water and up into the final break run.


    Overall, it's a magnificent ride with great airtime, nice pacing, and a wonderful location over the water. My favorite B&M hyper yet and I can't wait to see it with all the construction and theming elements finished.


    Fantastic review! B&M seems to be stepping up their game. The burning question however: was there any ejector-air on those hills, cause that'd be a first for B&M in my book.

    BTW, I don't know if you were just one of few people who rode Mako that day, but how were the dispatches? Just curious.

  4. Quick question...Immediately I noticed these extra supports on Kingda Ka behind the tower. They look pretty substantial. Did anyone else see this?


    Were these put in after the drop towers were installed? IMO very strange to see an addition like this with a ride that was installed almost a decade ago.


    These were installed by recommendation of Intamin before Zum was constructed. If you dig back in the Great Adv thread to late 2013 there are posts about the supports showing up and then being installed. It's added support due to the added weight/forces on the tower.


    ^Also, what would extra supports have to do with loose articles falling on riders? I hate the stupid states policy as much as the rest of you but its not like it exists for no reason at all. I continue to blame the park for that one as its something that should have been green lighted before plans went ahead to build Zum on Ka. I love Zum and without Ka it likely wouldn't exist as it is, so I'm happy they both exist, and can get over waiting a few extra minutes for safety reasons.


    But the supports have nothing to do with the policy of the rides running simultaneously.


    Thanks for correcting me on that one. However isn't it true that zumanjaro's towers always drop a split second away from each other, because of structural causes? I probably mixed this one up with the whole additional supports. Oh well like you said: they're both great rides, and Ka always has had long lines anyways.

  5. Quick question...Immediately I noticed these extra supports on Kingda Ka behind the tower. They look pretty substantial. Did anyone else see this?


    Were these put in after the drop towers were installed? IMO very strange to see an addition like this with a ride that was installed almost a decade ago.



    The additional supports were added because of zumanjaro. I believe it was necessary to install them if a cyclone were to come around, the structure's damage would be minimal. Still a bummer that even with these supports, the state won't let kinda ka en zumanjaro run continuously.

  6. I wonder how, USJ isn't the most attended theme park in the world yet. Seeing how a 3 hour line for the big rides is considered normal there (assuming that they utilize their rides' capacity to the max).

    For example, I have never seen a line at the magic kingdom over 3 hours long (even in the summer), and somehow it still gets around 6 million more visitors a year than USJ.


  7. Airtime is not affected by seat belts. Airtime --> sensation of negative g's/being forced into your lap bar. On these coasters, your lap bar is touching your lap at all times. Seat belts don't change anything. They didn't change anything on the B&M hypers with seat belts, they don't change anything on El Toro. Why would this specific coaster be any different?


    Seriously the argument that seat belts "prevent" airtime makes no sense. If you put an accelerometer on a coaster with seat belts would it suddenly stop going below 1g?


    The issue is, if the seatbelt is too tight or tightens more during the ride, it feels like it is cutting you in half. Where, if the belt is slightly loose and lets move a little, it doesn't hurt as much. I've had some rides on Magnum where I fought to get the buckle done and it provided a very painful ride. Of course, it doesn't help that I usually ride in the ejector-seat!



    Expedition geforce has the same problem.

    The lapbar is actually really open and doesn't crush your thights, however the seatbelt really makes sure that you won't leave your seat for more than an inch, and for the ones that've ridden this coaster the negative g's are f***ng crazy . So if the seatbelt on lighting rod really is 'as secure as possible ' than it would prevent you from coming out of your seat.

    Nevertheless this is an Alan Schilke designed ride, so do we really have to worry that it's not going to be awesome?

  8. This is the perfect example of how operations and management can make or break your day, in this case it seemed like it was totally annihilated.

    However how come the pics you've taken of the waterpark were completely deserted? (was it at the end of the day?) As for Goliath i'm quite surprised that the operations were in the okay to good range, as it is compulsory to let a ride op crush your lab by pressing the restraint far too tight .

    Thanks for sharing!

  9. Although they're slow to load, don't forget they also normally have dual station loading so get through a queue faster than a lot of coasters.


    I was just thinking that Hollywood Dream has both a dual loading station and a MCBR to increase capacity as well as being faster to load than a flyer and that still had long lines. It'll be interesting to see how this does on opening for lines. I've heard of 6 hours for backdrop when it opened and HP still has 3-4 hours. Has there ever been a world record for longest line recorded?


    But doesn't backdrop share the station with the forward trains, so the capacity is kinda split in half due to being 2 rides, right?

  10. the 'general' best seat of a coaster totally depends on the type and layout of the coaster, and with that 'rule' you could write a whole book about which seat is best, but to keep it short you kinda can guess which one is the best by looking at what manufacturer made it and their type.



    Large dive machines, hypers, and if you are more into airtime BACK


    small(er) dive machines, invert, floorless,stand up, giga, shallow drop FRONT

    (Haven't ridden any wingcoasters yet )



    The only 'big'/successful types where the FRONT is superior are their Rocket coasters and giga's (I305 may be an exception)

    All the others (which i can think of) BACK (because dear frickin god intamin knows what airtime is )



    Brace yourself if you do not sit in/near the FRONT, on most of their coasters.

    Yes im talking about you slc . (Expedition Everest is a nice exception though)



    I haven't ridden any of these monsters yet



    As they only do lauch coasters FRONT


    Old school woodies

    Depending on the drops/steepness of the drops

    Many low hills FRONT

    some big steep drops BACK (if not too rough)



    As they are known for their 'twistyness i'd go with FRONT


    Of course they're are dozen of exceptions per type, I think this prediction is pretty close. As I said earlier it totally depends on the layout, however I think the most important factor is, what are you looking for? Speed, airtime, intensity, view etc (but airtime is best )

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