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Posts posted by 9Armgeddon4

  1. So I got mini update for our trip tomorrow. We were supposed to have a group of four and now we're down to two. It's a little unfortunate to happen the day before we leave.

    ^ Were supposed to be going tomorrow (actually leaving for the park at 6am) but the weather is looking awful so I doubt were even make it to the park until Sunday. I'm seeing rain and thunder storms almost the entire afternoon.


    Edit: Nevermind the trip has been officially canceled.

  2. As much as I would like for us to get there before opening I know we aren't. We're heading out at 6am and it's a 5+hour drive at least plus the time change. So there's no way we're going to get to the park before 10. I expect were arrive a hour or two after opening. That's why I wanted us to leave Friday since I'm off work and the friend that's driving only works till 10am. I think right now I'm not totally worried about crowds it's the predicted weather for Saturday that concerning me the most.

    Although we're going part of the day Sunday so thanks for tip.

  3. You know that's not a bad idea. They can wait in line if they want but I'm not. I was kind enough not to do that to them during our trios to Cedar Point but since this is our first ever trip to KI I'm doing it. Well for CP it was understandable since FL+ is so much more expensive than here. Not to mention that we're coming all the way from IL and leaving early Saturday morning instead of on Friday. I had to take off work for this also and the friend who's driving is off on weekends.

  4. The last video game I played was Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past on my Wii. I have to it's the best and my favorite Zelda game I've played. The video game I'm current playing is Ghosts'N Goblins(NES game) on my 3DS. It's actually one of the hardest games in the NES library and it's a simple plantform jumper side scroller. If you've never played it I highly recommend trying it out yourself and you're see just how hard it is.

  5. Here's my new top ten steel/wood coasters.


    1. Fury 325

    2. Millennium Force

    3. Intimidator 305

    4. Maverick

    5. Lightning Run

    6. Steel Vengeance

    7. Nitro

    8. Montu

    9. Volcano: The Blast Coaster

    10. Raging Bull



    1. American Eagle

    2. El Toro

    3. Screamin' Eagle

    4. Great American Scream Machine

    5. Hoosier Hurricane

    6. Viper

    7. Cyclops

    8. Cornball Express

    9. Blue Streak

    10. American Thunder

  6. I know it is not from the Dippin Dots guy and I never put too much credence into what a ride op says, but last summer the ride op at Avalanche turn me the coaster was closing soon and the owners were planning to replace it which a "better" coaster.


    Iron Horse Avalanche?

    Or (Crazy Thought) A Gerstlauer Euro Fighter or Infinity. Don't seem that expensive and probably easy to market (Most inversions in the state, steepest drop in the state, tallest steel coaster in the state). That's me doing a Tony Clark impression.


    I think a Gravity Group would be a great replacement.

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