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Posts posted by yay101

  1. I still remember watching that one special on Travel Channel about Conneaut Lake Park and how nice the park looked after the renovation, but after seeing this I think the special doctored up the aesthetics of the park a bit for TV and didn't show the bad sides of the park. I know people have discussed this before, but I just thought of it when seeing this post. Anyways, great report!

  2. ^Holy crap.


    I always liked Skyscrapers but didn't think they would be intense or anything. The layout looks crazy I love the points where the track angles outside away from the tower, and the drops are fantastic. If I ever ride it it has potential to be number one if the preview translates accurately to real life.


    Also, is it just me, or does it seem like Skyscrsper is like a second-generation Z-Force wrapped around a tower and extended to 535 feet tall with a lot of other fancy elements in between the hairpin inversions/drops?

  3. Am I the only one that think St. Louis doesn't need another amusement park? I mean the more the merrier, but I'll be shocked if it happens.

    *Waits on someone to quote this and say "Yes." *




    Just so you don't have to wait anymore


    Well St. Louis is already big with tourism and has SFStl. If they do add one, it needs to be unique and not a Six Flags-type park. If that was the case then I would be okay with it.

  4. 7:20 - Media Crew

    7:50 - School begins

    Period A: AP Spanish I

    Before Period B: Broadcast Daily Announcements

    Period B: Honors Brit Lit

    Period C: Advisory

    Period D: Creative Writing

    Period EF: Honors World Religions

    Period G: Lunch (11:45 :/ )

    Period HI: Free period

    Period J: Psychology

    Period K: AP Physics II

    (School ends at 3:05, usually stay later because of Physics :/ )

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