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Everything posted by chknwing

  1. Robb answered this question a few pages back........ Yes, I'm sure Alton Towers is going to get right on that removing their $30 million investment over this accident. Just like Six Flags Over Texas removed Texas Giant or Six Flags New England removed Superman.... And let's not forget that someone was actually killed on Big Thunder at Disneyland, and that ride is as popular as ever. Best to wait for the results of an investigation, rather than jump to conclusions. According to the report on The Telegraph, the park’s management is said to be considering “scrapping” the troubled coaster following the incident.
  2. So whats next? the coaster is brand new. People will avoid this coaster like the plague after a crash. They may be forced to remove it.
  3. the helix had more force than what you would think. it looks slower in video than it actually is.
  4. so if you already made up your mind, why ride it? I wish people who havnt ridden it yet just keep their mouths shut. I road Fury quite a few times today and it is by far the best giga coaster I've ridden, MF included. You go in focusing on what you think it doesn't have, you are going to miss out on everything it does.
  5. typhoon lagoon. I had the same dilemma you have. Glad I chose typhoon lagoon. Its very nice. And you wont see a wave pool like this anywhere else. The slides at Blizzard beach are pretty common amongst other water parks.
  6. Carowinds will have 2 new web cams go live soon to show off Fury Construction. Pictures from Mike Fehnel twitter
  7. this thing will be a maintenance nightmare and will most likely be down alot.
  8. Why have you been so negative? Also, think of it logically....why would a coaster like Fury go to MA....maybe a hyper but definitely not a giga....yet (maybe 10 years down the road ) Also what makes Intimidator 305 any different? unless you think cedar fair shares its profits amongst all the parks, which they dont. Carowinds performed better, has a larger market and is better than MA in every way. Why should it have gone to MA?
  9. lol tarheel, looks like your making friends on this forum too. You seem to have a ridiculous amount of enthusiasm for a coaster you state you wont even be able to ride because you don't think you'll be able to get to goto the park.
  10. Fury has gone vertical. from the webcam, 3 supports are in place
  11. tarheel, if your gonna cop stuff from carowinds connection, atleast give proper credit.
  12. rumor has it, its being relocated to the front of the park and that its current location is where the station will be for the new coaster in 2015
  13. Xtreme Skyflyer aka Skycoaster is currently being dismantled. thx goes to pproteinc at carowindsconnection for the pic
  14. Cedar Fair Trademarks the name CENTURION. Thoughts on this being the coaster at Carowinds? as a centry to the entrance like gatekeeper?
  15. raised 100 feet to keep it over structures like the palladium
  16. Closed Session Minutes – Cedar Fair Southwest, Inc. June 24, 2013 Page 2 over the gate and the flip to a 90° angle and go vertical to the ticketing gate through these two columns and back throughout there. Councilmember LaWana Mayfield said what does the liability look like when we have malfunctions out at Carowinds? Is the City in any way having any liability responsibility if something were to happen? Bob Hagemann, City Attorney said I don’t see how. No. Mr. Zeiler continued and said so this particular ride is 170 feet tall. The one that would be put in Carowinds would be about 310-315 feet tall. Ms. Mayfield said that just doesn’t seem safe. Realistically around the country you’re hearing where they are having major problems just because you’re trying to make bigger and better and more extravagant rides. You are hearing about some major problems that are happening with these rides so is that even safe that we are considering trying to mirror that coming to Carowinds. Mr. Zeiler said that 300 feet for a rollercoaster is not a record. Rollercoasters are pushing 470- 490 feet at this point. This rollercoaster would max out around 65 mph. Some of the rides at Cedar Point and in Kings Dominion are topping out at close to 95mph. Ms. Mayfield said and you could tell that I don’t go to theme parks so thank you for answering the question for me. Councilmember David Howard said could you go back to the map for me? One of the things you have to worry about when you start talking about doubling attendance would be traffic. I’m actually for this so I’m not talking it down at all, but the majority of the I-77 that would deal with the ramp off is South Carolina, it’s not us, so are they talking about doing any traffic improvements to deal with this during the season? Mr. Zeiler said yes there will be two series of improvements. They will significantly reconfigure their parking field and how that is accessed in and out. We are also in negotiations and discussions with the State. Right about here Carowinds Blvd narrows down to two lanes coming towards I-77 and one going out towards Tryon. The State is investigating the possibility and the cost of widening this from either two lanes from Catawba Trace all the way out to Tryon or possibly three lanes going out to Tryon which would give you access to I-485. This will also be one of the first of what are called winged rollercoasters in the southeast. It’s not a traditional rollercoaster where you sit in a car that goes around. You actually dangle on posts that are from a single track. So there is nothing below you. You are sitting on basically a swing as you go around. Ms. Mayfield said again, Bob, no liability for the City if one goes flying off that and they land on North Carolina side as opposed to South Carolina? Mr. Hagemann said … no liability for us. Mr. Zeiler said this first phase is expected to project an annual attendance of about 385,000 guests. When they installed the Intimidator, their attendance when up by about 300,000 guests per year. It’s expected to create a demand of approximately additional 20,000 hotel nights. That represents about a .4% increase in Mecklenburg County annual nights and would represent about $250,000 in new state and local hotel taxes. Councilmember Patrick Cannon said do we know if there are any projections, or is there any thought to have any more hotels along that area? Mr. Zeiler said I’m not aware of any new hotels that are proposed for the vicinity. Mr. Cannon said they have a couple of go-tells over there that have been around for a long time. I’m just wondering about the plan.
  17. discussed over at carowinds connection in this thread towards the bottom, part of the transcript was posted by Kinghippo www.carowindsconnection.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=3941&start=315 City Council of the City of Charlotte met in closed session on Monday June 24, 2013 in room CH-14 of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Government Center at 6:18 p.m. with Mayor Anthony Foxx presiding. Present were Councilmembers: John Autry, Michael Barnes, Patrick Cannon, Warren Cooksey, Andy Dulin, Claire Fallon, David Howard, Patsy Kinsey, James Mitchell, LaWana Mayfield and Beth Pickering. Staff present during the Closed Session: Stephanie Kelly, City Clerk; Bob Hagemann, City Attorney; Ruffin Hall, Assistant City Manager; Ron Kimble, Deputy City Manager; Ron Carlee, City Manager; Eric Campbell, Assistant City Manager; Julie Burch, Assistant City Manager; Peter Zeiler (N&BS Economic Development); Pat Mumford, KBE N&BS Strategic Support and Brad Richardson, Manager, N&BS Economic Development. Motion was made by Councilmember Mayfield and seconded by Councilmember Cannon and carried unanimously to adopt a motion pursuant to NCGS 143-318.11(a)(4) to go into closed session to discuss matters relating to the location of an industry or business in the City of Charlotte, including potential economic development incentives that may be offered in negotiations. Peter Zeiler, Charlotte N&BS Economic Development said we are here tonight with another business investment program grant opportunity for the City of Charlotte in combination with Mecklenburg County. This is for a company called Cedar Fair Southwest, Inc.; I think you may better know them for their ownership at Carowinds Amusement Park down off of I-77. This one is a little different. It’s outside of the typical parameters of our program. We wanted to make sure that we brought this to you to give you the opportunity to have a full robust discussion on it. Cedar Fair Southwest is a publically traded company with 11 theme parks with annual revenue of $1.1 billion and over $23 million annual … We have 11 park locations including four that have attendance of more than $3MM per year. Those are actually ranked 14th, 15th, 16th and 17th out of the 20th largest theme parks in the United States. Two are in Ohio, one is in California and one is in Toronto. They own Carowinds as I mentioned earlier. They also own Kings Dominion which is in Richmond Virginia and both of these parks have an annual attendance of right around $1.9MM annually. Cedar Fair is looking to establish a large park to push to the 2.5-3 million annual guest range somewhere in the southeast and their target expansions are going to either be Carowinds or Kings Dominion. If they were to select Carowinds as their large southeast park, the first phase would consist of $43.5MM of investment. The first $30MM of that would be in a new 300 foot tall rollercoaster. For comparison, the Intimidator, which you can see from I-77, is 230 feet. They would include a $2.5MM water slide, a $7MM food complex and a $4MM ticket booth and parking field improvements. Much of what you will approach and see as you come to Carowinds now, would be completely reconfigured and moved out into where some of their parking field currently is. $33.1MM of this investment will be in Mecklenburg County within the business investment zone. The other $10.4MM will be in York County. Just as a reminder, Carowinds is 398 acres right now between the land they currently own and is undeveloped plus the land that is developed as the park. About 220 acres of that is in South Carolina. The remainder is in North Carolina. This map gives you a sense of where the facility would be. The yellow line is the state line between North Carolina and South Carolina and this would be the new rollercoaster feature here. The water slide and the food facilities would be here, some of it extending over into South Carolina. This white building right here is their current front gate and ticketing. This is what would be reconfigured and expanded out towards here. Councilmember Andy Dulin said excuse me sir, that white building is the Amphitheater. The state line goes through the front gate. Mr. Zeiler said you’re right. This shows where the general location of the rollercoaster would be. This is an example from their Cedar Point Park, which is known as America’s Rollercoaster. This is an example of the type of facility that would be created. This is actually the front gate and ticketing for Cedar Point. This ride opened up this year and you will see that it actually goes
  18. Apparently, it has been confirmed in the closed session documents by the charlotte city council that the coaster will in fact be a 300 foot winged coaster that tops out at 65mph. How that works I have no idea, but thats what is said. here are the excerpts. talking about gatekeeper Mr. Zeiler continued and said so this particular ride is 170 feet tall. The one that would be put in Carowinds would be about 310-315 feet tall. Mr. Zeiler said that 300 feet for a rollercoaster is not a record. Rollercoasters are pushing 470- 490 feet at this point. This rollercoaster would max out around 65 mph. Some of the rides at Cedar Point and in Kings Dominion are topping out at close to 95mph. This will also be one of the first of what are called winged rollercoasters in the southeast. It’s not a traditional rollercoaster where you sit in a car that goes around. You actually dangle on posts that are from a single track. So there is nothing below you. You are sitting on basically a swing as you go around.
  19. Sky Coaster will be removed at the end of 2014 to make room for the new 300 Ft coaster.
  20. ride top thrill dragster first as even the fastpass line gets long. plan to see the bike show, its pretty good. I wouldnt eat throughout the day, try to hit the main street market around 1pm. its all you can eat buffet. Also outside of the park, thirsty pony is the place to eat. I suggest the sloppy pig and 30 wings. also visit ghostly manor and ride the coaster simulator.
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