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Everything posted by chknwing

  1. I just got back from a trip to Cedar Point this past weekend. Stayed at Breakers which is pretty dam good after the remodel. I haven't been to Cedar Point since Gate Keeper opened. Steel Vengeance was an amazing ride. Worth the 9 hour drive from Charlotte. They were only running 1 train. Could not use Fast pass and they were telling people the wait was 3 hours. it was not. We did turn away at first but said fuck it, we drove here for this. The wait ended up only being a little more than hour. We had a good time. Cedar Point has to try to figure out their maintenance nightmare. It seemed like every ride was going down every 30 mins or so. Was ridiculous. Even the B&M's were going down. Wasn't very windy so I dunno. It's time to close that Market Buffet. The food gets worse with each visit. Thank God for Thirsty Pony. Love that place. Definitely a one of a kind.
  2. webcam has been repointed to the construction site and they are digging a big hole.
  3. You probably should check the headlines in the Carowinds park thread banner. It's old news by now, but they're getting refurbished carnival rides from Europe. Was announced a while ago to newspapers but not from the park to the public but we all know it's coming. You mean the headline that says 5 classic flats ??? Now, back to my original question . . . Why is everyone saying 4 flats for Carowinds?
  4. The top scan that never was . . . Ok. That's what I thought it might be, but what are all of the containers in the bus parking for?? Starbucks? Seems like a lot just for Starbucks and if it was for the new water park, that seems like a weird place to put them, all the way across the park. possible overflow trailer parking from TJMaxx distribution across the street. Carowinds rents out space to them in the off season, they normally park where thunderroad use to be but that area is under construction.
  5. lol stored. for who? i would say there was 0 chance of that.
  6. why wouldnt they announce this? this is a big deal ride.
  7. ^they had one and it bombed. no rides were open and they had a good idea in a ice skating rink but the thing was only like 10 feet wide.
  8. whatever you are smoking, its some good stuff. make sure you share some with the fluffy bunny.
  9. https://www.carowinds.com/rides/carolina-harbor/Dorsal-Fin-Drop
  10. so announcement is thursday wheres the leaks, pics etc. theres more happening than just the water park expansion seen in the NC blueprints. We need SC blueprints. lets go people dig this crap up.
  11. you still have your wooden racer, 3 launch coasters, another huge woody in Grizzley, better flats and are gaining delerium. consider yourself lucky.
  12. well, they could call it Shockwave since that coaster is being removed
  13. so carowinds demolished 2 wooden coasters in Thunder Road and not just 1
  14. why not download the universal app and look at the actual wait times. you will get a better idea on when you should go.
  15. ...so the brown/grey dive coaster is coming to carowinds
  16. but whats the sand mean? they have used it twice now in teasers also "https://www.carowinds.com/images/banners/Carowinds-Waterpark-Teaser-Rotator.jpg"
  17. General manager Mike Fehnel said Thunder Road is being torn down to make room for improvements in the County Fair section of the park. The new attraction is expected to be announced next month. The newspaper reported it probably will not be a roller coaster, but will be something wet. ok so to drum up some conversation other than thunder road. what do you think mike ment by improvements to county fair? the water park isn't in county fair.
  18. probably the busiest day. I would avoid saturday like the plague. Monday/tuesday is best.
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