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Everything posted by matthewnz

  1. thank you. my apologies
  2. Will keep you updated. Its our only theme park in the country so is quite big news that there is a new ride lol
  3. Don't know exactly yet. Ride hasn't been open to the public yet. Still in testing stage. Opens later this month
  4. Wow thanks for replying Elissa! When i went in August the lines were roughly an hour for each ride, if i go on the 8th and 9th do you predict that they will be 180mins like Robb said?
  5. Arghh was hoping to spend a say at DisneySea and a day at DisneyLand, Whats the best date to go between Dec 27th and Jan 10th? PS wow i cant believe im actually talking to you Robb. Have spent years watching your videos just haven't posted on here much haha. Regards Matthew
  6. Hiya all. I live in the tiny old New Zealand I am planning a trip to Tokyo Disneyland at the end of this year. I have been before but in August 2012. How busy does it get Late December/ Early Jan. Regards Matthew
  7. Hello TPR world ! i am new here also .. i come from New Zealand .. i just came back from a trip to Tokyo Disney and i tried to take photos on the Space Mountain ride and the cast member told be to turn my camera off !! -__- anyway thats me what does TR mean on this forum ? thanks for reading this !!
  8. yes sounds good ! will you TPR come out to little 'ol New Zealand ? would love to come on the New Zealand trip with you if you are sometime
  9. i know this is an old post but i thought that i would update it No new plans for large rides have been finalized . the kiddies area has been scrapped and they are putting in heaps of brand new rides for small children , i live in New Zealand and Rainbow's End is the only major attraction place in New Zealand
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