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Posts posted by Whodey

  1. Leaving the park through the North exit I noticed a very large portion of the parking lot coned off with a couple of dumpsters and some lift equipment. Anybody know why? I thought maybe some new delivery to be staged but also thought it is too soon. Also I thought coming in from the back would be easier for them. I think I am jumping the gun because I thought they would announce the ride before track would appear.

  2. I do agree Storm Runner is a good ride but could be great. I think you guys are right pointing out it was an early launch coaster and I didn't really think about that. For the short duration, I really enjoyed it.(especially since it was a walk on) I think it is the second best coaster at Hershey. Great Bear and Fahrenheit were good but nothing special. I think Lightning Racer was a huge surprise to me. I loved it and would trade it out with the Racer at my home park of KI.

  3. While sweating my butt off in line for Skyrush I watched a mechanic with a hammer working around the train on the ready brakes. I don't know anything but that is where he was working. My guess was either a ready brake problem or a train problem. Usually when it is a train problem they would just put the one off track and work on it. Total out of my a** guess is the ready brakes.


    Also Skyrush has 4 trees that in about 20 years will shade the line. So I guess just be patient. Most other lines were shaded.(except Comet) I walked right onto Fahrenheit so I didn't notice the sun.

  4. Went to the park for the first time today. It was very hot. The only bad thing was the line for Skyrush not having any shade. For a new ride they could of designed the station better and thrown up some shade for the line. Capacity sucked with having to exit the same side as boarding. Also the last 2 rows were blocked off on both trains. I waited 70 minutes. The next longest wait was Comet at 20 and everything else was a walk on. The ride itself was great.


    I wish they spent an extra couple of million on Storm Runner and made it at least a minute long. Great ride but very short.


    It was a fun park and I liked the milk song too. Overall a really good day even though Sooperdooperlooper was down for the day.

  5. I will be going to the park first thing Friday for the first time. Hoping to ride the big coasters at least 2 times and ride every coaster at least 1 time. I plan on skipping most of the flats. I have already read the Park index trip guide but wondered how long it will take so I can run up to Knoebels and get those coasters in. I am willing to get the fast track but hoping to avoid it.


    If anyone is going to be there Friday AM, I am willing to meet up.

  6. They have changed the blocks over the years. In the mid 90s the first hill never was slow. Usually both trains were at the top of the hill at the same time. Now the first train is almost passing the second train as it goes dow the first hill. Also the trims just after that first big left turn weren't there either.


    There is a ride operator who sometimes plays games and times things up to where the first hill is fast the whole way. He tells people if they are scream loud or something similar he will make the first hill go fast the whole time. I am guessing he is just stalling for the trains to clear the block ahead so the hill goes fast.

  7. Last weekend I saw a parent swap and they also had 1 kid who could ride. I know some parks like Disney let the kid ride twice if there was going to be an open seat next to the second riding adult. Not at SDC. They unlocked the restraints and made the 8 year old get out. Personally I would have no problem letting the 8 year old ride. The seat went out empty anyways. If they could fill the seat with a single rider maybe that would be a different story. At least they have the swap.

  8. I just went to the park last week and used the plat flash pass. I was kind of disappointed at where we mixed into line on some rides. On Kingda Ka we still waited 15 minutes. On some rides it depends on timing. El Toro we were let in the line right after they released a large amount in the station. 2 minutes earlier we would of waited 1 or 2 trains but since we came in just at a bad time we waited 6 or 7 trains. Most rides you get let into the station but the station can be kind of crowded.


    I would go with El Toro. That ride is unlike any other ride I have ever been on. It is amazing. Kingda Ka is cool but it only last 30 seconds and there is a similar ride elsewhere.


    Edit to add: When I went the Gold and Plat were only waiting minutes and when you get into line on a ride the worker cleared my flash pass and I signed up for the next ride. By the time I was exiting the ride my next ride was available. Lines were about 30 for non-flashers. I think Gold is a better deal unless you really want the ride twice deal.

  9. According to Warren county records, the map looks like they own all the way to the river. They own up to Kings High School but there are to parcels across from Great Wolf ( parcel # 9434034 and 9426795 ) They are next to that green house thing. The circular drive and the cleard circle in the trees are a different property owner.


    Go to this site and it will help. Then click on a property then click on map.



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