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Posts posted by Whodey

  1. I went to SFOG and RH had the estimates that were posted at the entrance to the park. The first half of the day they were not even close because the park was empty. By the end of the day their estimates were good. I of course updated them. My theory is parks don't have wait times on their apps because if the lines were long, people would check before they came to the park and not come to the park. This way people don't know the crowd and drive all the way to the park. Since they are there, they go in and spend money in the park even with long lines.


    Sunday you can check Stricker's Grove. I will keep them updated.

  2. I don't know if this has been talked about much on this site. Yes the search is my friend but found nothing. I recently downloaded Ride Hopper app and noticed nobody really submits times. As a community if everyone starts to input times it might catch on. It would help me out since I go to a lot of parks for the first time and really don't know anything more than what the park index on this website tells me. I have used the Undercover tourist one for Disney and Universal but I was hoping we can make a difference at other parks. So what is your opinion? Can we all start submitting time and help these apps take off or say screw it they can fend for themselves? I will start submitting Kings Island since I average 35 visits a year. I will even do Stricker's Grove this weekend.

  3. My name is Mark and I am a pussy according to markysharky. When I rode Maverick, which I love, the restraints hurt badly and I was bruised for over a week. With my height, the restraints cut right into my neck on the rapid turns. It probably would be my favorite coaster if they changed the restraints. I do better now I know the track layout and brace myself.


    Banshee is not being built for us. It is being built for their biggest market which is families. Cedar Point is where they put the coasters for enthusiasts. KI is more of a family rides kind of park. Kids and teenagers who have never been anywhere else will love the ride. I have no opinion because I will wait and ride it before I pass judgement. It does fill a void that the park has had ever since Raptor went in at CP.

  4. Top Gun/Flight Deck at KI after the crash in 95 used the entire line.(not the one they use now with the entrance half way down the path) Running 1 train for most of the summer and it was a 2 hour wait. People got off the ride so mad they waited so long for such a short ride.


    Also a couple pages back someone said King Cobra. That line wasn't that bad distance wise. It had a lot of unused switchbacks but walking all the way around the ride wasn't that long.


    White Water Canyon is a very long walk but does fill up on Saturdays during he summer.


    Kraken is pain in the behind when there is no wait. They couldn't make a shortcut?

  5. Don the PR guy said Surf Dog is a coaster and that is why Ki boasted they had 14 coasters while RCDb said 13. Of course now RCDB says 14 with Banshee. I have not seen if they say 15 coasters with the addition of Banshee.




    Half way down the page post #19. Sorry moderators if I am violating a rule. Let me know and I will delete the post.

  6. FoF is usually at least 30 minutes. I usually look at the parking lot to see the crowd. An average to large crowd, the parking lot is full to the North parking entrance gate. If it goes past that it is really crowded and Fast Lane is a must. If you have extra money a fast lane would be worth it to me especially if it was my only visit of the year. You could start without and if the lines start getting more than 15 minutes go buy one.

  7. goatdan,


    During the week especially now schools are starting you would be fine without fast lane. I think even on a weekend if you play your cards right you should only need fast lane and not the plus. Right at park opening go to Firehawk. That is the slowest line in the park and it really only needs to be ridden once since it isn't really that good(in my opinion). The Beast would be fine if you hit it before 11 but if you want a night ride or a lot of rides plus might be good. I would check the crowd out before making the purchase.

  8. Yes I will be a single rider. I usually can get everything quickly since I am on my own. I usually sneak up a few trains by partnering up with an odd group. My record was skipping about 10 trains on Outlaw Run by getting in a 3-some in the front row. I know I can probably hit at least half the coasters in the first hour. It is after that I am worried. Is La Vibora a low capacity ride? What are the lowest capacity rides at the park? If I am not almost finished by noon I'll run over and get the flash pass. If by miracle they open the 2 closed coasters I will get the flash pass too.



    Robb, if you are still reading this thread, thanks for all the help. These boards have been a huge help over the last year.

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