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Everything posted by aiken85

  1. Very good photography and I want to ride this, a couple of days ago, Silver Dollar City completely mucked up, releasing the mini site for the coaster few days early. Of course, enough people saw it and got some information.
  2. Of course, rides today are awesome and very in your face, but older rides were built for fun. We have amusement parks because we like to have fun. I discovered a suspended coaster recently in China that had a track design that recalled early suspended coasters and while it was not an in your face thrill, it was a lot of fun.
  3. Six Flags Great Adventure has the highest attendance of any Six Flags park, not to mention Kingda Ka, the world's tallest and fastest roller coaster. Roller coaster wise you should add a Eurofighter into the mix.and also how coasters can differ in size from different areas of parks to put them in.
  4. Wow, great information. What a Big Mike, that's a heck of alot of parks you have planned. Good luck, and I look forward to your trip reports.
  5. It was a great adventure for me, the weather should not be too bad, it will probably packed like it always is at Fright Fest but it's well worth it. But take my advice, RIDE X2 FIRST! If you don't you might not get a ride because of tee 3-4 hour line.
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