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Posts posted by TyRush

  1. Great trip report glad you and the family had fun! To answer your main concern, yes the ride operations are below average on a regular basis with an occasional ride being better than others. Personally just ignorance on the workers parts, most are teenagers around my age who don't seem to care about getting customers the best experience possible, but rather the paycheck at the end of the week. They usually do assign seats on Skyrush however like you said you can opt to sit where you want if you ask and are approved. I think they could improve by being stricter when the lines are longer, however Skyrush tends to die down shortly after opening anyway. To me best operations over the years have been on Storm Runner.

  2. ^iSpeed has OTSR's, the coaster pictured is a new lsm one in Turkey


    My mistake, someone said "Ispeed clone" which it's definitely not.

    Looks to be more on the intensity level of Storm Runner.

    No problem! I certainly would hope for the newer looking lap bars, not sure if it would work on Storm Runner with its laterals but never know. Fahrenheit they would certainly work on. Altogether there isn't really a need to change the restraints. SR is 11 years old and Fahrenheit is 7 so they've been fine!

  3. I wouldn't say GCI's coasters all age quickly. It mostly depends on the park and their maintenance upkeep. Lightning Racer at Hershey is a 15 years old and rides pretty well. But then there is Wildcat across the pathway. All depends on how it is kept in my opinion.


    Seriously can't wait to see what the park has in store for next year. Could be just about anything imaginable with the supposed manufacturer at the helm

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