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Posts posted by TyRush

  1. ^But those wheels are very small and on the tip of each car. I don't think they need that space.


    Yeah, that's what it is. It's for if a train stops at the top for any reason, it prevents all of the weight of the train from being placed on the wheels and creating flat spots. It's the same way with the storage tracks. I/m pretty sure that's what those rails are for.


    That makes absolutely no sense. If you're talking about the wheels on the tips of the rows, then you're way off. Those wheels are a good 3ft away from the space in the catwalk that I'm talking about.

    But again this is not the same train as Griffon, so there could be anything that is in-place of the scoops.

  2. Thank you everyone! And to reply to the nitpick, I also agree the drop curvature is slightly off on Skyrush. The pull out should be drawn out a tad more but it would've required a lot more work with the supporting. I redid it twice so a third time would've been the death of me. As I said it is not necessaryily a complete replica as other than Skyrush the other coasters are there for show. If anyone would want to "finish" or play around with the park I will try to fix up the park package and make it available! My computer is good but it takes a lot to recreate a whole park for a laptop

  3. Hi guys! So instead of flocking the Hersheypark discussion thread I've decided to create one here for people to view. I started this project a month after NL2 was released and at first it was just a Skyrush recreation. After a bit of a stall in progress I recently finished Skyrush to exact proportions and it is 100% done from entrance to layout. Unfortunately my laptop cannot handle a full recreation with every detail, so I have been able to create other coasters such as Great Bear, SDL, Comet, Storm Runner, Sidewinder, and Fahrenheit. Not all coasters are 100% complete because I have decided to make the park look best for screenshots since my system cannot handle everything. I hope you enjoy the photos I have taken and I will likely take more and possibly add more detail eventually if my system permits.


    Creek path



    All 3 Intamins


    Skyline shot






    My personal favorite






    Lighting turned out very well


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