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Posts posted by Simipour'sTrainer

  1. On the subject of Pokémon, I'm currently replaying Pokémon Pearl (before I get my hands on Black 2) and I'm up to the last gym. I have to say, I'm actually quite impressed with my team right now. I'm hoping I can breeze through the Elite Four no problem.

  2. Christmas Party: Okay, this is the one that annoys me. I have no problem with the halloween party because there are offerings there that could never be done during normal park hours and the special events have always been exclusive to the party. However, with the Christmas party, they are taking things that have been included with admission for years and making them an upcharge. I have no problem with parks adding new upcharge attractions, but once something becomes included with admission it should remain that way permanently. Slapping an additional fee on is just greedy and is ripping off visitors.


    I agree. If there's one thing my family loves is when Disneyland does Christmas, from the decorations to the parade to the fireworks. They're not going to be happy with this at all.

  3. In fact, when we went to use our FP's later the ride was 101 and we didn't feel like waiting around to re-ride. Can't remember this ever happening on any new ride ... EVER.


    It seems like almost everyday, at least one Disney-related Twitter account that I follow will report that the ride had broken down. And it saddens me to hear that some of the effects are already starting to break down. I do understand that it's a very popular, high-profile attraction and thus is subject to a lot of wear-and-tear, but still it's sad to hear about the ride having these problems.


    Hopefully, the ride recovers when the off-season arrives and the crowds ease up.

  4. This Hairtroversy amuses me to no end. The stuff people will complain about at Disneyland amazes me. Sometimes I think the park would be better off if they discontinued their annual passes.


    Speaking of Disneyland Passholders, this is still my favorite ever article about them.




    “Walt and his Imagineers wanted to control you — what you feel, what you see, what you think.” Exactly, I think — that’s what’s so evil about the place.


    I'll admit, that line was pretty funny. The rest of it...not so much. I mean, wow.

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