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Posts posted by OCJ48

  1. I'm still not absolutely convinced it's a B&M. Those footers could be for the station of anything that has a transfer track and that turnaround could just as easily be post final brakes. There's just not enough info yet to call it definitively. I'll believe it's one manufacturer or other for sure when it's announced or supports or track show up.


    All that said, has anyone been by the B&M plant lately? Might be good to see if they have any MC or WI designation track out that can't be otherwise accounted for.

  2. The more I think about it, the less sense this makes. Any coaster manufacturer would want to use their own trains, I would think, so sending Millennium Flyers only makes sense if they're planning on building a GCI. The problem is, rationally, the whole chain is likely avoiding GCI because of how Gwazi has turned out. With that established, the only good reason to pack up the trains for shipping is if they're selling them to another park.


    I'm therefore forced to conclude that Holiday World is giving up on the Timberliners and fitting Voyage with Millennium Flyers for 2014. You heard it here first

  3. No it doesn't. You would be better off using the space to build one giant ferris wheel as opposed to two smaller ones.


    I can think of a few reasons to do this rather than one big one. The first is novelty: If a park built one, it would be unique and special, giving it appeal to someone like Disney. Another is height, which is twofold: parks have height restrictions (somewhere like Alton Towers can't necessarily build a giant wheel), and some parks don't want a giant Ferris Wheel on their skyline for thematic reasons. Finally, there could be a cost factor, although that's obviously unclear, since no one's ever built one.

  4. If B&M can get these trains to work with inside wheel carriages I could see this being a popular way to breathe new life into Arrow and Morgan Hypers in the coming years, especially since a lot of these rides are signature attractions in smaller parks (Valleyfair, Dorney, Kennywood, SWSA, etc.). In conjunction with a new flat or water slide complex, it could be a good way to boost attendance for a fairly low price in an off year when the park can't really afford to do anything bigger.

  5. By the way, is that coaster inverted or suspended? It looks both and I can't find anything on it.


    It's one of Vekoma's Splash Party coasters, which is described on their website as "based on a new layout of the Suspended Family Coaster," so it's suspended. You can see the joint that makes swinging possible (in yellow) and the tubes that limit the extent of the arc (in blue) here:



    The same photo from above, with markings added.


    Here's Vekoma's website entry for the Splash Party.

  6. Regardless of when you go, if you like coasters and don't like lines, run to Cheetah Hunt at opening, then hit Montu, then take the skyride to Sheikra. After that, you should be okay, as you'll have hit all the big line attractions. If it's hot, do the water rides before lunch, as they all generate hour waits in the afternoon.


    The only catch-22 with that is that the animals are much more active in the morning, which is also when the coaster lines are shortest. Plan accordingly.

  7. What if SFI sent Scream from SFMM there? It's a clone of Bizarro SFGAdv, right? From what I've heard, it's also not very popular, not themed, not needed for the record, and not a featured attraction. Sure there haven't been any rumors of it moving, but if any ride is going to be rotated, it seems like the perfect candidate, since it would basically become a major attraction at a park like SFOT.


    I know it probably won't happen, but it is a thought...

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