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Posts posted by dougstanton

  1. I think a no loose articles should be allowed unless its a plastic or paper cup that can be tossed away before you get on the train so you would have something to keep your self hydrated. The reason why I think a no loose articles will help is because there are so many time where I could be checking the harness, but I have to wait for the person to be seated. When a guest forgets something in their pockets, it makes us take longer to check the harnesses because we would have to wait for the guest to get off and put their stuff on the side, then get back on the train. I would like to hear from other ride operators and the opinions about no loose articles.


    Also, I think they should charge 1.50 for the first 3 hours and then charge 5 for anything after the first 3 hours.


    you ALREADY have to wait for the people put their flip flops on the other side so why not let those people take the bags from people on their row with them. it wasnt a problem last year when they were able to match and BEAT the capacity for the ride on regular occasion.


    and about that last sentence... ugh

    It takes people longer to put there stuff away then just taking off their flip flops. when boarding people then deicide to take all there crap out of their pockets and put in their packbacks. Having this policy will prevent alot less then problems then without it. You don't have to worry about people sneaking stuff on the ride or having someone stuff getting stolen.


    ...or the employees could just stop sucking and everything would be okay. They are all beyond lazy and sit arond and chat for a long time before restraints are checked. Also, if that microphone in the station was used for a better purpose...such as saying you can't wear flip flops...rather than people singing If you are happy and you know it, clap your hands...then rows would not have to be unlocked for people to take their flip flops off. Last year the crew was 50x better dispatching every train before the other hit the brake run. This year there are less of a certain type of people...so thats why things have slowed way down....but I will keep it to myself.

  2. Last year I rode El Toro and had it at number one without a doubt. The lift most definitely changes the ride. I talked to a ride supervisor and found out it was slowed down due to the extreme ejector air the back car was receiving. Obviously, the lift speed does affect the ride. The cable goes on part of that turn also. You were turning into that first drop last year at 15mph. You actually felt lateral g's on that turn. The ride is still great. It is now my number two, but the air was greatly affected. After riding Superman again ystrdy at SFNE, I can safely say that has reclaimed my #1 spot.

  3. my least favorite coaster would have to be Kingda Ka it is the LAMEST ride EVER i waited for 3.5 hours and what do i get a 30 second, boring, painful coaster. You may be thinking how is it painful? The breaks at the end are Brutal to me.


    You waited for the Tallest (456 Feet Tall) , Fastest (128 MPH) and the Biggest Drop Coaster ever....


    And WHY are you complaining...? Id love to go and ride that damn thing. Most coasters tend to have a hard break run...its just a normal deal...


    So...i dont see an arguement here!


    I will agree with him on it being a terrible ride...but for a completely different reason. That ride is extremely rough and the OTSRs don't help that fact. The brake run, though, is one of the smoothest on any coaster.

  4. Before I even go into this, I expect to hear a whole bunch of "Where is your evidence?" type stuff. I can say that I obviously have no evidence. This is just to kind of get people thinking.


    My friend's dad is a doctor. He was having some small talk with one of his patients. He ended up being some type of assistant manager at Heide Park. That's when my friend's dad said, "Oh really?, my son is really into coasters." He went on to say that they are working with Intamin to design the world's tallest and fastest coaster. I wasn't too impressed until I found out that it would be an actual ride...not just one hill. He said it would be a cable lift like MF. The name is Emperor.


    Some information didn't make much sense being relayed from a non coaster person to an enthusiast. That was what we fully understood.

  5. ^ I completely agree with you. I actually rode it for my first time this Thanksgiving. The theming immediately stood out at me. It actually disappointed me considering it's Disney. The least they could do is switch to flat screens with all the money they have. Those TVs didn't look like they had been replaced since the 1980s. I expect a retheming in a couple years though.

  6. We have already discussed the reasoning behind why he wants to change the parks...Teenagers is what Six Flags is geared towards. Teenagers don't spend any money in the park. When something doesn't work, you change it. He is just doing what is logical. Obviously, I don't want family parks because I am a coaster freak, but I can also say, I cant remember the last time I spent more than $2 at the park. I eat lunch at Wendy's within 500 feet of the park and I use those sports bottles and just have them fill it with water, which is free. I also use the same sports bottles from past years.

  7. I guess I must be retarded or something...I rode Gwazi in Feb and had no problems whatsoever. It is actually one of my favorite wooden coasters. Honestly, if you consider this one rough, I can't picture you riding many more wooden roller coasters.


    Maybe it shook you so much it rearranged your memory. Gwazi was one of the roughest wooden coasters I've been on.


    I didn't know it was recently retracked, but you may want to keep that in mind. If it was one of your roughest, you must not have been on very many wooden coasters. My home park has GASM and GA Cyclone, and I can already say both of those are rougher than Gwazi.

  8. The helix isn't very intense. It is about the same as Nitro's. What bugs me is...a heart attack can happen anywhere. He could have been driving in a car at that same time and could have had a heart attack. Apparently, he had heart conditions. Obviously, riding a roller coaster could be a problem...What will bug me is the family will probably blame Goliath on his death and try to find a way to get a lot of money....I hope that isn't the case on this accident...

  9. I know it is all just opinion, but I found nothing great about Comet at all. I rode it last summer and thought it was terrible. I went back this year to give it another chance, and it was worse than what I remembered. I enjoy Georgia Cyclone @ SFOG more than that...at least it has airtime. What makes a wooden coaster fun if you don't have airtime or insane speeds? Thunderhead doesn't have any airtime really, but it has a lot of speed. Georgia Cyclone is rough, but you got airtime. Comet has nothing...


    1. SFGAdv

    2. SFOG

    3. SFNE

  10. Okay...so the kid died. Call me heartless all you want, but I hope the family loses this case and gets humiliated. First off, money doesn't help you get over a loss. They are just greedy to want money out of this. The attorney says 4 year olds shouldn't be allowed on the ride...last I checked, he was never forced on the ride. On top of that, I guarantee you the sign says do not ride if you have heart problems. That already should be enough to get Disney out of it...but with the way the world is now, that family will probably win. Makes me mad, but Americans need to suck it up.

  11. If I was an adult, I seriously would have considered buying it. I could always get a lot of land. A roller coaster for $55,000. That is ridiculous. So what, its Arrow. I would be out there every morning picking weeds around it. It would get so much respect from me. I bet I could make it smooth just from cleaning it so much haha.

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