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Posts posted by dougstanton

  1. Apparently you never went to the park during Oktoberfest or a company picnic day. Every year the park was packed during that time.


    I'm not leaning one way or the other, but they did do decent business. They had what appeared to be one of if not the lowest attendance in the chain, but they still did pretty good business during the heavy season and special events.


    I went in the middle of July twice and the longest wait was for food.

  2. So after looking at other coaster labels, and pictures of other coasters, I have come to the conclusion that the label does not determine the type of coaster. I think that it more so determines the "PART" of the coaster. Lets look at SheiKra's label "C57L1" Last time I checked a "C" had nothing to do with a Dive Machine. But it could be that the "C" is for the "Carousel Turn" at the top of the lift, and the "57" could be for the 57th piece of track. After all why do the need to label it saying what kind of coaster it is? The park already knows what they are getting, and B&M knows what they are making, so why say "This is your Floorless Coaster tack?" Did anyone stop to think that maybe the "SC" stands for the track part rather than the coaster type!! So all I am trying to say is that we can not determine what kind of coaster this is from the label, but rather what element it is. So here are pictures explaining what I am saying...


    Actually, if you look at the final line, Sheikra's piece does start with DM.

  3. If your hitting HW and IB, you might as well come down to Ohio for atleast Kings Island. KI has about as much wood as steel, and now that we're getting Diamondback it might be worth visiting. Plus if its anything like last year, Crypt alone makes it worth your while, since that thing's insane now.


    I've been to KI this year. Remember this TR I posted?



    The fact that there are many other parks in the midwest I have yet to visit and that I will have limited cash keeps the Diamondback detour from being a viable option IMO. I am just better off spending my time and money on new parks and driving distance than on a 4-hour diversion and $40 KI admission just for the Diamondback and Flight Deck credits.


    That said, I may change my mind if and when I do the trip!


    Dollywood is a long way out of the way for your trip!


    Magic Springs and the X-coaster is just setting you up for a big let down.


    I calculated it all up, and the Dollywood detour and the Valleyfair/NU detour are both an extra 3-4 days on the trip. That means I can only do one or the other. Right now I'm leaning towards Dollywood, it seems like Mystery Mine and Thunderhead would make it worth the drive alone.


    Magic Springs is on there mostly for location.


    Wisconsin Dells is an alternative option to the Valleyfair/NU detour, and has many hyped up woodies, but...is it worth the adjustments and bad operations there just to ride them?


    Steel Hawg at IB, BTW, is currently my #1 most sought-after coaster to get to!


    EDIT: Yes, I have a TomTom too!


    To be honest, considering Valleyfair has Renegade plus many other rides, I would pick that. I went to Valleyfair and MoA 2 summers ago. Dollywood is a 4 hour drive from my house so I have been there multiple times. Thunderhead is great, but Renegade is really close. Mystery Mine isn't that good. The final 15 seconds are great but the rest of the ride is slow and rather rough in spots. I definitely feel you would be disappointed.


    As far as the Dells go, I understand many people on TPR love Hades. Granted I only rode it once in the front row due to terrible operations, I didn't see anything great about it and it barely makes my top 10. Avalanche, on the other hand, is a ride that you laugh at as you arrive due to its insane speed, and will easily ride as many times as you like due to no line.

  4. Its nice to see its finally coming along....it will go up quickly I am sure....all of a sudden, you will show up, and voila...its there...or a good part of it.....they do seem to be going up quickly....now, on a side note, screamscape.com posted an article on Dec 5th, from the LA Times, an interview with Shapiro about the next new coaster for MM in 2010(as well as the Dubai park).....cant wait to see what thats going to be like....the article also mentioned that if Terminator is a success, then other parks will see clones in the next few years....


    You just reminded me of an article that had been posted on the LA Times long before that interview, stating that SFMM was asked about getting SFNE's Dark Knight before it refused and instead wanted to build Terminator Salvation.


    Somehow I now get the feeling that's what'll come to us in 2010, for the reasons that its small enough to fit within the park and its another family attraction.


    Correct me if I'm wrong, but could The Dark Knight fit within the space once taken up by Flashback?

    The Dark Knight from SFNE has already been shipped to Six Flags Mexico.

  5. Since a behind the scenes picture topic was recently created, I wanted to make a topic about park audio that isn't always easy to get. This topic is open to any audio. It can be music that they play in queue lines or audio clips from a ride. Some that I am really interested in is the audio used while going up Hulk's lift and anything from RotM at USO. Also, any Cedar Point techno used in the lines would be great. Thanks!

  6. I remember the WDW College Program topic being resurrected a few weeks ago. Let me give you the basics about my situation and then ask for help. I am nearing the end of my first semester in college. I took 12 credit hours this semester and currently have planned for 12 hours next semester. At my school (Kennesaw State University), you are required to be a sophomore for co-ops and a junior for internships. To be a sophomore, I need 30 hours. I want to work at a theme park in the summer or next fall. There are a couple of options in Florida, and I have considered spending the summer at Cedar Point or even SFGAdv. Busch has little to no information on their site regarding employment. Has anybody, as a college student, worked for a Busch Park? If so, how was the experience? Also, since I couldn't find a topic about Cedar Point's program, has anybody worked there? If so, how was it? If anybody knows a good co-op, I can add 2 more classes to my spring semester or take 6 hours in Maymester. Thanks for any and all help.

  7. I have so many ideas running through my mind as to what this coaster could be. Understanding that news sites don't always have their facts straight, after a simple google search, I discovered this article. www.insideindianabusiness.com/newsitem.asp?ID=31135

    It states that it will be the tallest of its kind. I feel that would eliminate a wooden coaster. Dejavu definitely would apply, but I guess now I am pulling for a eurofighter.

  8. This policy doesn't work. They used it at SFOG this year. Customer complaints went way up. If they are going to FORCE you to use the lockers, they should be free. Also, flip flops would have to be worn in line because you can't walk around barefoot. On GOLIATH, everybody had to cross over to the cubbies to put their flip flops in. Then, the people that had hats or glasses that got through the line because Six Flags employees standing at the front of the line don't do anything anyways, would cause the whole train to wait because station employees would hold up the objects and ask who owned them...refusing to dispatch the train. They would still let them ride though which is endangering my safety even more. On Cyclone, somebody strapped in a huge stuffed animal. Another kid had to hold one of those big lolipops while riding. Six Flags customer service truly sucks.

  9. I was told I couldn't take pictures at SFGAdv. This policy has taken place at some parks. I am good friends with the ride supervisor of Kingda Ka. He told me that you are allowed to take pictures in the park but you can't take pictures of the roller coasters. It is a homeland security issue. Apparently last year there was somebody sitting near Chiller for quite some time taking pictures of it. There was never a train running. When questioned, he said he wanted to study the structure. Apparently, they now look at it as a terrorist plan. I can agree that roller coasters would be a place that terrorists may strike...but not allowing pictures is kind of ridiculous.

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