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Posts posted by dougstanton

  1. So, I'm headed out to SFOG Wednesday. And could someone give me a good strategy to avoid long lines!! That would be really helpful. And how crowded do you think it will be!!

    - Kris


    You should have no problem getting on all of the coasters on a Wednesday. I have been multiple weekdays this summer with station waits for Goliath throughout the day. If you are looking for something to do to get out of the heat in the middle of the day, be sure to check out iluminate. It is a great show!

  2. I don't mean to be a GP, but what makes Q-Bots any better than the existing ticket system for the guests who use it? It seems like it's much easier to just scan a ticket and step into line than to fiddle with a Q-Bot and wait a set number of minutes first. In addition, Q-Bots are water-sensitive, need to be returned, and require an educational video that makes lines longer and slower at every location that sells them. I have no problems with line skipping or improving existing systems, but, to me, this seems like a step backward.


    Sorry to dissent from the majority, but can someone help me understand why this is the majority opinion?


    I agree as well. To add to this, if they have to be put in a locker, they are even more convenient. I know that the argument for them is you don't know their reason for switching, but I'm positive this is more inconvenient for any resort guest.

  3. ^Disagree. Q-bots make everything so much easier.


    Same. QBot is by far my favotie "skip the line" system used at any park. Especially when you can upgrade them for shorter wait times. I'd love to see these rolled out at Universal, as well as every other major park. It just makes it so much easier to spend a day at a park and get on all the attractions you want without stressing about it.




    While I agree that a lot of people on this site are absolutely in love with Q Bots, I do question how this is a good thing for guests at Universal. With the current system, you enter the line whenever you want and only have them scan a paper ticket. A Q Bot would actually give you less rides and you would have to deal with the device. I know that they work well at Six Flags and Dollywood but this would be a downgrade to Universal's current system. A Q Bot can't possibly be easier than a paper ticket that gives you immediate access.

  4. I see this more a failure on the part of Gravity Group than the park. GG delivered a train that has been on site for over a year that apparently doesn't work right.


    While I agree with that, since they have been tested in the past, it is clear that no track modifications are needed. There is no reason that they can't have at least one of the trains in the transfer area to be tested at night. Many parks have a lot going on over night and this can't be too difficult. With them being marketed for the 2010 season, they are starting to run out of excuses.

  5. Well, I stand corrected. I didn't think Universal would require a 2 park pass to see Potter. I guess they have fugured that those folks still have money to spend above the current offerings. The merchandise sales have been awesome so they are probably on to something...and it will obviously help with crowd control unlike HRRR.


    The bank chase ride, although cool sounding, seems very similar to Mummy. Can they build another coaster /dark ride and have it be unique enough?


    I agree. When they tore down Dueling Dragons for Harry Potter, they chose to build a very similar ride in the same location called Dragon Challenge. Since then, the wait for the new ride is typically only 10 minutes, compared to 60 minutes when the previous ride was there.


    Kidding aside, I see the concern. While there had been rumors of having a Transformers ride in Universal with the same technology as Spiderman, this would make even less sense if both indoor coasters were in the same park.

  6. I suppose that with the modifications this ride is receiving now, we should probably make clear once and for all the naming of the versions of I-305. Are we just going to call the new version this spring version 4? Or are we going to call the 3 versions this past summer versions 1a(opening day version),1b(when the trims were added to the first dop),1c(when the restraints were modified)and 2( whatever it is this spring).


    ...how about Intimidator 305?

  7. Thanks! Anybody have any idea what those coaster seats I mentioned are from? I just found it interesting.



    I'm curious about these seats as well. I saw them while in line for Havoc during the passholder event. I'll try and take a picture next time I go and see if anyone can figure it out.


    I saw those as well. They are actually seats from one of the original KUKA arms. If you do a quick Google image search for "kuka", you will see the purple and orange color scheme.

  8. When I went in 2007 they would stack one train for a short amount of time. I think this was mainly because of the seatbelts and people taking a long time to put loose items in the bins. I really don't think they need three trains. They rarely get long lines and the timberliners will allow them to increase capacity (from what we've been told).

    Yeah. I have only gone to the park in May and June but have never seen a long line at Voyage. Their waterpark is always slammed while the coasters don't get that long of lines.

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