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Everything posted by KingsDominionFanatic

  1. Universal Studios Islands of Adventure Busch Gardens Tampa Sea World Orlando Carowinds Busch Gardens Williamsburg Maybes: Kings Dominion Six Flags America
  2. I'm also looking forward to it. It doesn't seem like a thrill ride, or and kiddie ride, just a ride to relax on.
  3. That's probably true. I highly doubt it what with new management in charge.Rmember folks,Kinzel's gone at the end of this year. Oh well maybe that means 600 foot coasters for all parks!!!
  4. When WindSeeker is built, won't KD be the park with the most rides over 300 feet?
  5. I doubt they'll ever see one. A Wingrider somewhere else in the park seems more likely going by current trends, and Old Virginia deserves more love than there IMO. This is purely speculation, but if they do anything back there, they should just tear down Hurler, and replace it with a wooden twister- as they already have three other out and back woodies. I rather have a Wingrider. They look awesome!
  6. I'm a HUGE East Carolina Pirates fan and I was wearing my ECU shirt one day and he came up and asked me what "AARRRGGGHHH" meant.
  7. I agree! He might not be the fastest, but he sure is the nicest and funniest ride ops I've ever encountered at Kings Dominion! I hope he stays over at Intimidator 305 like he has been this summer... I love when the train pulls in the station and he screams "How was that ride?" with a big smile on his face. Atleast he looks like he really enjoys his job and tries to make conversation and tell jokes to guests whenever possible. Keep up the good work Dale! He is a great guy. I saw him smiling at 9:30 one night the next morning at around 10:30, he was still smiling.
  8. KD's Haunt was deffinintely better than BGW's HOS last year! Both of them have some great ideas up their sleeves this year and I can't want to see how they each turn out this year... As far as Elvira's Superstition goes, atleast it is only for a month out of a year! Spongeboob has been in there for 9 seasons now. ONLY 1 MORE YEAR of that stupid contract! Yeah but then they'll probably be showing that DA promo film at a cost to guests. I think I rather have Spongebob than something that cost money.
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