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Sportsdude360 last won the day on December 11 2024

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  1. Proposed coaster coming to Six Flags Over Texas! 309ft coaster to be constructed between 03/01/2025 - 03/30/2026! Called "Project Rubi"! This information is credited to Austin James and Six Flags Over Texas Junkies.
  2. La Vibora deconstruction is well under way. Photos credited to Andrew Floyd and Texas Thrillseekers. This section sits on the ground.
  3. I fully understand what you're getting at. It would be great if Cedar Fair would give us some hint at what their plans are with regards to SFSTL.
  4. I'm not so concerned with quantity as I am quality of the ride selection at the park. And while we don't know the specs of the new B&M Dive Coaster coming in, possibly Giga, we do know that it is part of th $1 billion investment that Cedar Fair, is making into the parks. This means they care about SFOT and want to add new rides and attractions that will bring guests in. A shiny new coaster with great rider capacity might just fill the bill.
  5. Photos of the soon to be removed La Vibora and El Diablo! It is expected that a shiny new B&M Dive Coaster will take their place. Stay tuned! We can see the fence stretches all the way around both rides
  6. This article sounds a tad gloomy. https://www.thetelegraph.com/news/article/six-flags-billion-investment-st-louis-19941143.php
  7. This looks to be great! I've been on Sheikra at BGT as well as Dr. Diabolical at SFFT and they were both very enjoyable rides, Wrath Of Rakshasa looks to be even better! Makes me excited for SFOT's new Dive Coaster coming in 2026!
  8. Well send you El Diablo. It's bigger than the Larson Looper you already have. La Vibora is headed for the scrap heap.
  9. I hope they play a different game with this one. Anyway, they're already demolishing La Vibora and El Diablo, construction on this monster is going to be going on all next year. Hopefully it'll be more than just a copy of the one going in at SFGA.
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