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About MikeFromMKE

  • Birthday May 16

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  1. Departing or landing at DFW from the South gives you a solid view of SFOT. Just look for the Cowboys stadium and it is right near it.
  2. I would think that this is false. While the resorts are certainly the major draw, the conventions bring in a huge amount of people. The first time I was ever in Orlando, it was a family trip where my dad was going to a convention and brought the whole family to visit Disney while he attended. Plus, you can pretty much get from the convention center to anywhere else on public transit, so the convention center is a good destination.
  3. I assure you the train crawled over that hill with very little airtime to be had. This should be a welcome change and help keep the pacing of the ride up through the whole circuit.
  4. I'm from Wisconsin and rode the beast for the first time in August. It's probably top 10 for me, but somewhere in the middle. I definitely enjoyed it and hope I can ride it again soon!
  5. I like that idea. 7500' long, maybe 250 ft high Intamin pre-fab?
  6. The track on Outlaw Run is Topper Track. Topper track is only the top portion of the track that the wheels ride on, but still has wood structure in the rails themselves. The track on NTAG and Iron Rattler is RMC's Iron Horse track, which the rails are entirely steel. You can see the difference on RMC's homepage: http://rockymtnconstruction.com/index.html
  7. How soon will they not even bother with the backwards launch and just let the train go through with 2 forward launches? I can't imagine stopping the train, sending it backwards, then launching it again forwards is going to be very cheap. V2 @ SFGAm still has no holding break.
  8. Web designers use gibberish Latin as placeholder text. Wouldn't read too much into it. It's called Lorem ipsum: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lorem_ipsum
  9. Very excited to see some pictures of this! Props to RMC for pushing the envelope. I wish there were still nonstop flights between MKE and Branson...
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