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  1. That's smart. I usually just get on whenever I get the chance to actually get onto the webstie and get in line.
  2. Just got in line! only 13 hours to go until I can try (and fail) at getting a prize!
  3. Mine was the Manhattan Express coaster at New York-New York and surprisingly, I thought the coaster was a lot of fun, and pretty smooth.
  4. Did anyone notice that in the video, someone mentioned that they have a crappy engine, which means they think roller coasters run by an engine that is connected to the coaster train?
  5. Every time I look at these photos, I always wish I could have been there. Texas Giant is really looking good with their new trains and moments of airtime!
  6. Now i can't wait to see the trip report for ToT2, but i won't be able to see it until monday.
  7. Wow... I'm not the best at coasters, but I am still jealous that I am not here! Too bad i'm in Idaho...
  8. Ok, after reading this, i really want to go on this cruse ship! Nice job on the report by the way!!
  9. This exchange will be so useful!!! I have been looking for one of these on TPR for a while so i'm glad i found this!
  10. I got on, and look what i found! Whats this? Thats right, a kid was holding that up. How old do you think he/she is? You can't really tell here, but he/she was helping the live players grab prizes. I'm not joking. when she/he was on the screen, nearly everyone got a prize of some sort.
  11. Looking good! I always love seeing people make RCT3 parks without any CS. It just shows you can make a good park without it.
  12. Got online again! now i just have to wait for 7 hours and i might just get a prize!
  13. I wish i could come... normally i could, but last year i moved out of California so i won't be able to Sounds like fun though!!
  14. Something i should put up on this page: Title says it all! By the way they did this 3 days before the video was posted.
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