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Posts posted by cfc

  1. http://www.londonslang.com/db/a/


    I love this site! If anyone is going on the UK trip next year, study this site!!!!


    I think of all the british slag I picked up when I lived in the UK, this was always my favorite:


    (the) dogs bollocks - a term used to denote something that is 'the best' or exceptional. eg "Daves new stereo is the dogs bollocks". Sometimes shortened to 'the dogs' or 'the bollocks' and often changed to similar sayings ie. 'the mutts nuts', 'the dogs danglies'.




    So, it's the "cat's ass" (or "meow") in the States, but the "dogs bullocks" in the UK. Interesting.

  2. I rather liked Tomb Raider, too, and I'm not big on spinny rides.


    I second all recommendations to ride DarKastle first thing--it's a lot of fun, but the lines could become unmanageable by noon (if the line starts at the Kastle gate, the wait is about an hour). And Nessie is a safe bet for late in the day.


    As for PKD, yet, go for Hypersonic first, then Volcano (which could develop hideous lines later in the day because the trains only seat two across, instead of the now customary four). The woodies you can take in at your leisure--usually not much of a wait at all (even if only one train is running), unless you want the very front.

  3. Again, I must ask each of you to cease and desist "posting" of any kind on these "boards," as my client, Fox News, has pruchased the exclusive rights to the use of the English language. Ergo, ipso facto, res ipsa loquitor, wicki wacki woo. That should clairfy the matter.


    The question of "posting" in other languages is a matter for the Supreme Court to decide. I must now file a suit against myself for daring to post in English.


    I remain, yours very respectfully,


    S. L. Imyratt, Esq.

    Douche Bagg & Crepehole, Attorneys at Law

  4. Congratulations! Now it's time to see how many homeowners' association rules you can flout. I recommend putting up a big aluminum pole and running up a Confederate flag--that'll go over big in California. Or you could install a Top Spin or perhaps a Disk-O in your backyard.

  5. Wow, look at all the rough trade on this page! It's getting me all sweaty... LOL 8)


    Actually, the latest series of pictures has left me blind.


    But if I'm blind, how am I typing this? I can see! It's a Christmas miracle!


    dgkjbtrer eporjtg9er


    Oops! Went blind there again, for a moment . . .

  6. I remember riding it in '97. Drachen Fire was pretty rough. You had to know how to "ride" it to avoid going into coma. Well, the roughness wasn't that bad compared to Manhatten Express, IMHO. Too bad it was sold for scrap. It would have been a fantasticly unique roller coaster if it had lap bars or very soft, padded OTSR's.


    I think that would've helped--sure helped Flight of Fear at PKD.

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