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Posts posted by Hurricane

  1. "Oh baby when you talk like that

    You make a woman go mad

    So be wise and keep on

    Reading the signs of my body


    And I'm on tonight

    You know my hips don't lie

    And I'm starting to feel it's right

    All the attraction, the tension

    Don't you see baby, this is perfection"


    Shakira- Hips Don't Lie *dances*

  2. Ryan, I'd be just a little bit worried about Brisbane, We are prob within reach, OMG... I must tie myself down to Superman Escape! Lets just hope switzerland never gets hit, otherwise NO INTAMIN!


    But in all seriousness, I don't think the koreans are going to launch a attack on us in a hurry...

  3. I have been on the ride... alot, and It does sometimes barely clear the top hat, but isn't that NORMAL for rocket coasters, thats why they rollback, The Theming on the ride is amazing, and the Airtime is just... OMFG!!!! airtime, enough to make elissa drool... So yea, It's also maybe not the best idea to bag out a roller-coaster if you havn't been on it. While it may not be the biggest or the fastest, it packs a mighty punch! We Australians are glad with what we got, cause we don't exactly have theme parks the size of yours.


    So please don't knock our coaster, unless you have been on it!

  4. Um... well I broke the SLC, we had a lift stall, it stalled 3 times on 1 ride going up, then it died, and we were walked off. Then the next weekend there was a BIIIG crane over the Engine of the lift hill, It didn't open for over a month, So all vekoma haters will be happy to know that I BROKE A SLC!!!



  5. ^


    I Fully agree with what you said, We can't change who or what we are, and no one in the world can change it. So if you don't like it, just bloody ignore it!


    I told 1 of my freinds last year that i was gay, the next day half the school knew, it got that stressful at school, That i ended up changing schools.


    If i could choose to be straight, I would choose to be straight. But I can't, I explained that to my parents, and now they are cool with my choice.

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