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Posts posted by Blazen_AZN

  1. ^ ^ well in MY opinion, it will have the least learning curve out of all controllers, i mean tilt, point, press two buttons? not that hard, granted, we don't think regular controllers have learning curves, thats because we play the games often, really, its can be hard to, say, move with one analog stick and aim with the other and fire with sholder buttons.


    if i use the same FPS example with the reve, you would move with the analog stick, aim by pointing, and shoot with your thumb.


    its simpler.

  2. around where do you live in socal?


    they film movies around me all the time! (port of LA AKA san pedro/long beach) quite interesting actually, going to the movies and seeng where i hang out on the screen!


    and the ring "fall off cliff" scene i think is right by me, don't no for sure though.

  3. love the thread


    1: zipped up my ***** when in the locker room after showers at my school! DAYUM THAT HURT, let out big scream, fall onto the floor in pain


    2: i once asked a person on AIM for a pen


    3: in ephsus, turkey, i was walking with my family, they stopped to look at somthing, i don't notice, now theres a women that is not my mom walking next to me, i grab her purse, she tugs back (i still odnt realize it's not my mom. i tug, she yells "STOP!", im like "JUST GIVE IT TO ME!!" back forth, back forth, then i look up... ... yeah, she thought i was trying to steal her purse!

  4. Well after taking the wording of the site plans into consideration, it could still possible be a resort on the way. Newhall is about selling the land to developers not actual development themselves, so that 454 acres has been or will be sold in parcels or as a whole to who ever wants to buy it.


    The site plans say... Residential (place for employees to live) recreational (many things/i.e employee picknic area) Hospitality ( Sounds like a hotel to me) retail business ( shopping like an outlet mall) This is typical of a Kalahari resort. I don't see them placing a Kalahari in CA. but something similar is a possiblility with that wording.


    I don't know guess well just have to wait and see what happens hopefully in SFMM favor.


    theoretically, then , six flags can even buy it, im not saying it will, but it would be a smart move on the park's behalf, i see velencia growing, they should take the land now before their closed in like knotts berry farm.

  5. good game, bad sequal!


    well, ok, to it's credit, i guess the gameplay might have actually IMPROVED, but the things that made PoP:SoT so magnificent (the great music and story) arn't present in the new version, i mean, they have these people named GODSMACK for music? wtf? i don't want metal in this game! grrr...


    the prince was a very likeably, witty, charecter in the first game, in the second he is a jerk...


    in all number two tries to hard to be edgy and the game suffers for it.

    and the worst part is, violence sells, this game sold more then SoT very soon after it was released...

  6. Stepmania's even better! You can actually hook up a DDR pad up to the computer if you have the proper connections and dance to custom music or make your own customized steps to MP3s


    i have setpmania! (or ghetto DDR as i like to call it) over 400 songs and two metal ddr pads (got them both for $100) well, no actually it never got delivered, so i called UPS raised some hell, and they said they send a new one, after that i ride my bike around neighborhood looking for it infront of peoples houses, sure enough i found it! and thats my '2 ddr pads for the price of one' story.


    but i'm actually pretty good (duh i'm asian) been playing for maybe a year now, and i can do the faster 10 footers, i suck at all slow songs.

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