Home from first trip to CP...It will NOT be the last. The family had an incredible time and we can't wait to go back....Didn't make two coasters.. Raptor and Magnum XL, got tired of waiting... LOVED TTD and Millenium Force and Maverick... Mean Streak was good for a woodie, Corkscrew was Ok, but rattled me around and was way too short.
Great advice guys... I am making my first trip to CP tomorrow morning. I am going to try and do Millenium first (Raptor not an early entry ride according to hotel) then Raptor then top thrill...rain supposed to hit in the morning hope not...
Thanks guys...appreciate the info. We will be there Wed/Thu so it sounds like it won't be too bad. Price not bad either. Only bad part is the 12 hour drive....If I can I will post pics from the trip
This may be off topic for this thead but...... What is a good place to stay at when going to Cedar Point? I have checked a little and was thinking about Castaway Bay. We are going in August (first week). Is CP busy at that time?