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Posts posted by tiger01

  1. The Roughest Coaster I have Been on has to be the Big Dipper at blackpool PleasureBeach. That Drop underneath the pathway after the turn around really surprised me! A good coaster, but rough!


    The roughest brake system I have been on has to be Enigma at PleasureWood Hills. I don't remeber but I think it was a 2 metre Brake Run which Curved round the Corner or something???

  2. I dont think Valhalla counts cause its not a traditional log flume. For anyone whose ridden, isnt Valhalla supposedly one of the wettest rides in the world? I watched a descent pov and it does not look that wet. The drops were not huge or anything like that.


    Valhalla is EXTREMELY WET! At the entrance there are overs that you can buy. I advise you buy one they are only £1.


    As I remember there is a sign that says...


    You Will Get Wet! You May Get Soaking Wet!!!!

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