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Posts posted by tiger01

  1. The flying start probably means that the launch isn't in the station but down the track. The train is released from the station and is rolling forward when it is launched instead of being launched from a standing start. Now an inverted launch sounds pretty cool!


    Thats probably what it is. But dosn't Anubis-The Ride have a launch similar. If so then it wouldn't be a first.

  2. That gets pretty fast! I've heard that one track down in Switzerland gets up to more than 5 Gs and that a profesional had lost 2 feet of his height in his sporting career because of the forces! You guys must have been crazy or something to go down one of those!


    The whitewater rafting looks awesome i really want to do something like that! I also want to base jump like on Nitro Circus.

  3. Whoa!! Wait, you've only been on one looping coaster? Rage? No more? And only one loop!?

    It's okay, I've only ridden 7 loops myself.


    That was actually a really nice TR. I'd only heard of Rage, but after reading this TR, I looked it up on rcdb and the park looks like a boatload of fun! Is it your first?


    Rage is my first looping rollercoaster. But then I just remembered that i rode a loop at PleasureWood Hills, Lowestoft and so i've just ridden 2 loops. In the summer I will Ride at least 3 more loops because i'm going to Blackpool and Alton towers.


    Heres the CoasterTube Video link: [coastertube]http://www.themeparkreview.com/coastertube/play.php?vid=Video_Rage_mtir[/coastertube]

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