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Posts posted by tiger01

  1. Although this is under construction I find this colour sceme (so far) to be very attractive, and its called 'Wipeout'.


    I love WipeOut its a great ride! The track really fits with the trains as well.

    I think Nemesis Inferno has a good Paint job as it fits the fire/Volcano theme.

    Dragon's fury is a great Ride and it's paint fits in perfectly with the theming.


    Have you ever tried a Intamin Mega Lite ?? I have tried Piraten at Djurs Sommerland (Denmark) and it is simply awesome.


    No but I wish I could!!! I must Persuade my mum to let me, my dad and my sister to go try it out! (my mum dosn't like coasters) It looks awesome though! I've convinced my family to go up north to go to Blackpool And alton towers which there will be a TR of in the summer so ill give This one a shot! But Japan may be a bit too far!

  3. Hey Guys,


    If You Could buy a Private RollerCoaster for your Family and Friends to enjoy what type of RollerCoaster Would it be?


    The Coaster Can be Whatever you like and can be bought with an unlimited Budget!


    I would have to chose an Intamin Mega-Lite like Kawasami (Tobu Zoo) because it is packed with airrtime, compact and gives the same thrills as any other massive Intamin Would Give. Also Because it isn't too high and also because it only takes up a small space compared to Bizarro, Goliath. It would have its first drop over a lake and will dash into the forest.


    And also, just for fun, What would you call it?


    Mine Would be called Bob because it can!

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