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Posts posted by Defcon62

  1. I lol'd quite hard when I heard about the court decision, I also heard the guy was almost held in contempt of court after the court decided against him. Guy has no right to that money, it belongs to the park and a high 6 figure payout will handle that little back tax issue quite well.


    On a better note Aug 24 was Community Day with a $5 wristband, It was a outstanding success and the public came out in droves, many people were heard saying how they had never seen the park this crowded even during the glory years! If this keeps up no one will ever think CLP is doomed again!




    Line for the carousel, All rides ran at capacity all day










    Even at the end of the night the Kiddie Coaster had a line


    Enthusiasts in Training, Does anyone else think this is a great pic or what?


    Tumble Bug making the last laps of the night filled to capacity.

  2. Nothing is left of the jungle cruise ride that I am aware of. I can't remember the specifics of the toboggan fiasco but there is some legal issues regarding ownership of the ride that prevent its prompt removal. I have no idea when they will be able to remove it but its on the short term list. The round up parts are safely stored elsewhere in the park, it needs a few parts including hydraulic clutches that were lost in the ballroom fire and are several thousand a set used. I'm told that they are searching for a reasonably priced set and once obtained the round up will return.


    Most of the parks deficiencies are caused by a lack of capital, investments are being made as finances will allow without causing the park to go into debt. All improvements are being paid for with cash not credit. Things are getting better and if the crowds keep coming we will see many defunct rides returning to include the round up and ultimate trip.

  3. Based on what I've seen the past couple years, The Tumble Bug at Conneaut Lake, All parts must be custom made to order and fitted by hand. There is no option of calling the manufacturer for repair advice or to order parts. That and it is a complete maintenance hog that demands constant attention to stay in top shape.


    Kennywood cheated by modernizing theirs, CLP's is totally unchanged from the old days.

  4. Another successful day for the park! Crowds were great and the amount of people kept the park open an extra hour to keep the party going. There was still a line at the ticket booth as late as 9pm! I would say that if the crowds keep coming then the park has definitely turned the corner towards prosperity. Also the unofficial word about the beach club is that it was completely insured, will be rebuilt asap and all scheduled events will be held as planned in either the hotel or concert venue.


    As for the state inspection fiasco, the discrepancies are most assuredly on the state's side. The PA ride inspectors are at the park regularly as recently as the past few days to approve the new attraction. To my knowledge there has been no complaints from the inspector about the condition of any of the rides. Mr. Adams does not neglect his duties as the park inspector in any way and as I have seen personally if anything on a ride is questionable safety or operationally then it is shut down until it can be addressed properly. A good example would be the tilt n hurl, there is just not enough hours in the day to make sure it is assembled and operating properly and to keep up on the maintenance for the other rides. I would chalk this issue up to the "investigative reporters" trying to create some headlines and nothing more.


    I forgot to get any pics but another improvement courtesy of the Travel Channel is all the Blue Streak seats were reupholstered! Also parts for the train should arrive soon and it will be operating asap.


    As far as the waterpark I haven't heard any news, I do know that it is in need of major work including new pumps, gel coating on the slides and new structural bolts for the tower. It is likely that new construction would be cheaper than renovations.


    Waiting for the reveal of The Hostile Hostel

  5. The amusement park is intact and offers plenty, The crowds that came to the Beach Club generally were a different crowd than those that visited the park adults/ motorcyclists etc... vs the majority of park patrons this year has been families. The concert venue is intact and will cover the live music events and also contains a bar and grill area that should cover any services the beach club offered. I expect that this will be a busy weekend just from people coming to gawk at the wreckage let alone the Park After Dark party.


    The loss of the spare NAD train is highly unfortunate but I am of the understanding that it was already well picked over and did not have very many good parts left on it especially after the last couple years of constant work on the coaster. There is still the good NAD that is in use and there is a operable Vettle train as well as the spare vettle train that is intact and is safely in storage. The park will be ok and will get through this without breathing hard.

  6. This is sad and a big loss to the resort as a whole but should not affect the amusement park too much, The beach club and Hotel are leased by Park Restoration LLC and are not affiliated with Adams Amusements who leases the ride area. The Club and Lakeside pavilion are a considerable distance from the midway and rides and the fire likely did not harm anything aside from the club and pavilion.


    The thing everyone should take away from this is that the park is open and will be doing business as usual. There is still a ballroom, concert stage complex with bleachers and the hotel bars that will pick up the slack of the lost buildings. This is nothing, the park will shake this off like it always does.


    Keep spreading the word that the park is open so people don't get the idea that the whole place went up in smoke. Like George Tilyou once said "I have problems today that I did not have yesterday and I had problems yesterday that I do not have today"


    See you guys Saturday at 7pm for the reveal party!

  7. Hey all, in case anyone will be able to attend there will be a event for the Blue Streak's 75th birthday. Come eat cake and ride the Streak! Work is continually being done to the coaster during non operating days and it shows, Its running faster and smoother than I have ever seen. Hope to see everyone there! There will also be some major announcement about a forthcoming improvement to the park that is very hush hush at the moment.


  8. Yes they did get quite the deal on the Geauga Lake items, All of it was donated by yours truly with the proceeds going towards park improvements. The reception has been pretty good, especially from visiting enthusiasts. Your also right about the bug, the motors are around $5,000 each and it has 6 though it has run on less. One of the great tragedies of the ballroom fire is that there was 12 spare motors for it stored in the ballroom maintenance shop that all went up in smoke. Glad you enjoyed your visit! Come back soon! The bug will back to operating as soon as possible.

  9. Newsflash, teenage employees of a mechanical playground will goof off aplenty and with camera phones some of the hijinks will be documented for our amusement. Did way more than my share during my years of amusement park servitude that's for sure. Perhaps you should loosen up a tad.


    Perhaps we will be lucky enough to see Mr. Knoebel pick up another rare classic ride for his fine park.

  10. Scare tactic mostly, given their emphasis on the "costly and extensive process" of organizing a tax sale of the park's 42 parcels that have literally dozens of parties with a legal interest. By that statement they are implying that such a sale would be far in the future if ever. The park and trustee's response to the tax sale is posted on their facebook page https://www.facebook.com/conneautlakepark?fref=ts I expect that if the county mounts any serious effort for a sale it will be fought tooth and nail by all involved entities.


    I highly doubt the park is going anywhere, Much progress has been made since the reopening. All rides have been serviced, this year the 1949 Tilt N Hurl was completely rebuilt over the winter. The midway is painted, new midway games, new maintenance shop, blue streak kitchen redone and open for business, melted light fixtures removed, fire damaged kiddie land bathroom removed, blue streak restored, operating and maintained by a highly experienced coaster company, minigolf totally redone, new kiddie ride installed (idora park firetrucks), the train is back to operating, new parking lot sign is up along with other signage, good amount of money is coming in just from Ghost Lake event, security patrols and a maintenance staff paid for by Adams Amusements ensured that no vandalism happened during the off season and work was being done constantly to improve the park.


    Earlier this week I was at the park helping with final preparations with the season. There was easily 30 people, most of them employees of the current lessee hard at work getting things ready for opening day. Everywhere I looked work was being done, train tracks gauge being checked and adjusted, blue streak station being power washed, Carpenters crawling all over the coaster, paint going up everywhere, gift shop stocked and cleaned etc... Even the news media has taken notice. www.wkbn.com/2013/05/21/conneaut-lake-park-ready-for-visitors/

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