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Everything posted by PittfallFan

  1. As I've seen a few people come to a general consensus that Morgan trains have very uncomfortable seats, Phantom's Revenge has extremely comfortable seats. I'm not sure if this counts because the trains, just like the rest of the coaster is a hybrid. The chassis's on the trains are the originals manufactured by Arrow in '91, and the body and seats are by Morgan. I believe the reason they are more comfortable is that due to the smaller chassis (each car seating 4, rather than 6 for all other Morgans) the seats have more room, plus the unique lap bar coming down from the side. As far as I know, the only reasons for not being comfortable come from being tall or large.
  2. Speaking of airtime on PR, the backseat has been tamed down a little due to the new computer/braking system. The last hill is tame in general. The way the new system works, every train comes to a complete stop on the brake run regardless if there is another train in the station or not. The magnets along the last hill and the magnetic brakes on the brake run pull that sucker to a stop extremely fast. All the other bunny hills still provide monstrous ejector airtime though, no worries I personally prefer the front seat now when it comes to airtime. On the last hill, the front car makes it through the brake run before being pulled to a stop, so it actually gets the most airtime on the last hill
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