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Everything posted by youhow2

  1. Hello all, I am the infamous youhow2 whom often post on Rcpro. My real name is not important My age isnt too important I used to live in SoCal. My homepark was probally seaworld, but I considered the 3 hour away SFMM my homepark anyway. 4 years back I moved to the suckness named "Hampton, Virginia". My homepark is BGE (only a 15 minute drive with no traffic, YAY!) but I would rather call KD my home park because IMO BGE sucks booty , not much to do there besides eat, or ride their 5 coasters over and over again besides, KD is only an hour away (with no traffic). I've been on about 150 coasters, probally more, I'm just too lazy to count. 've been to Sfmm,CP, IOA,USO,USH,KD,BGA,BGE,SFGA,SFA,SOTB(lol),KW, KBF, KI,DLR,DWR,Epcot,Animal kingdom, MGM studios, SWO,SWSD,SFOT... and plenty more that I dont care to list, Cheers!
  2. Finally someone who agrees about the KD flume...That one is just short pointless and only has one drop. The only way you get wet is the people with the cannons.
  3. Kd's flume is definitly the worse... I wish I had pics to prove it...
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