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About kdt511

  • Birthday 05/11/1986

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  1. What hotel do you all recommend for when we come up for PPP? Seems to be really slim pickings near the park. Just looking for something close and clean.
  2. Anybody been to Mt. Creek Waterpark lately? I'm going this weekend, and I'm excited and terrified all at the same time.
  3. I simply wanted to be able to read about the closure myself, and be able to follow the story in case it reopens by June...but I guess if it's anything like Steel Dragon, it's gonna be closed for awhile. -Kevin "wishes Robb wasn't a meanie" Toth
  4. Thanks Elissa. Yomiuriland looks like Togo Land, so I'm gonna pass on that. I haven't had enough exposure to US Disney, so I don't think Tokyo Disney would do it for me. Not saying I don't believe you, but I can't find a single thing online that says Tokyo Dome City (LaQua) is closed... Leaves me with: Tobu Zoo Park or Yokohama Cosmoworld.
  5. I'll be in Japan on business in early June. I'll only have 1 day (probably only half a day, really), to do 'sight-seeing'. For me, that'll be riding some coasters. I'm up for traveling an hour or 2 away if I need to. Fuji-Q Highlands would be my first choice, but it seems to be about 3 hours from Tokyo, by train. I'm leaning towards LaQua so I can ride Thunder Dolphin. Is there something I'm overlooking; a park that I should be going to instead? Thanks in advance. Any other non-coaster related Japan advice? I'm pretty terrified of the culture shock, and not looking forward to a 16 hour flight.
  6. Breaking News!!! It's now called "Terminator Salvation: The Ride" A helluva lot better than Terminator: The Coaster.
  7. J2 is getting extensive rehab done this offseason. However, that unfortunately includes some magnetic trims.
  8. I'll be the first to say it... I'm disappointed. That loop'll be fun, and some airtime here and there, but eh.
  9. ^ No, never. Thanks so much for posting it. Yes, we've seen it, about 20 pages ago.
  10. This might not be new, but did you all see the Office Manager description on the jobs page? "Office Manager Nantimi seeks candidates for a position rewarding organization, forethought, and general pleasantness. Duties include quarterly budgeting and office supply management. This is not an entry level job. We prefer experience; however, enthusiasm and cultural buy-in will factor strongly in your favor."
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