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Everything posted by ZeroG001

  1. Sorry to go a little off topic here, but I actually visited the park for my first time yesterday with my family! We really enjoyed ourselves, and even my parents (who don't ride coasters) loved the park! Thats a very good sign. The park was very clean, I didn't see litter anywhere! The rides, from what I saw, were running great, and the employees were very helpful, one of them was even nice enough to walk us up to Ninja when we got lost! We were very satisfied with our trip and will be returning sometime in the fall or next spring. The only thing that I thought I might point out that was negative was that people were smoking while we were in Tatsu and Batman's queue. I don't know if thats allowed or not, but I think that might make some people uncomfortable. Overall, we had an amazing day, and I want to thank everyone at Six Flags for a memorable experience!
  2. I can't go on a Sunday because I have school the next day, and I live about and hour and a half away from the park. I do plan on arriving at the park BEFORE opening. I also checked and the concert, from what it says on the official site, is free, but the event on the 19th isn't. So I'm thinking the 19th might be less crowded. What do you guys think?
  3. Would the 19th be better to visit then the 12th? I noticed on the official site that there is an event scheduled then to. Any help is appreciated.
  4. Alright, thanks. Right now its a go now or a year later situation, and I can't wait any longer since I've been really excited ever since I found out we were going.
  5. Nice TR! It looks like it wasn't that crowded. I also have another question, what time is the concert scheduled for on the 12th, and while the people are at the concert, do you think I'll be able to get a good amount of coaster riding in?
  6. Is it anywhere near as bad as Disneyland during the week of Christmas? It was pretty crowded when I went last year. Well I guess I'll have to talk to everyone else in my group then, to see if we can go on the 19th instead. Thanks for warning me!
  7. Hey everyone! I've been browsing these forums for a while and find them very helpful and informative! I would like to ask you guys what the crowds at SFMM will be like on Saturday, April 12th. I'm going to be visiting for my first time and would really appreciate any help. I'll only be there for that day from opening to about 8-9pm, do you think I'll be able to ride all the major coasters? Thanks for any help!
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