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evil saltine

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  1. The fly-by definitely caught me by surprise. Overall it's a good ride. I agree that they need to install chains to get rid of the switchbacks if necessary. If it's slow and you walk through all the switchbacks, there's a good chance a bunch of kids will cut in front of you by going under the rails. There are staff there to prevent that, but there's too few to cover the entire line. Also at the area where the line passes behind a building and back out, people were going under the rails to skip that area. This is all just nitpicking though. Single rider guy, were you at the park this morning?
  2. Does anyone else think that next year's major attraction should be "Parking Garage: The Ride"?
  3. That's true in any service job. Breaks cost money so it makes sense to limit them.
  4. I love how the museum has some of the design stuff from Viper and Revolution. A lot of the calculations are done by hand (i assume this is before CAD was in use). If you've taken a physics class you may even recognize some of it.
  5. Revolution at SFMM. I finally figured out the right way to stick my head out though.
  6. On Saturday, when I got to the line just after 9:30 it was closed.
  7. What kind of incentives/rewards are there for ops who do a good job? Obviously you can be reprimanded/denied a raise/etc. if you mess up, but does that go both ways? When supervisors walk around the park do they take note of people who are doing things well in addition to people who aren't?
  8. Just a nitpick about lining up in front of the gate.. is it still somewhat disorganized if you're not at the very front? When I went in March the lines got split up and crossed every which way, especially when they ran into the big thing in the middle. Also, you can't easily tell from the back which gates will be open or even where each gate is. For example, once when I went, people lined up on only one side, leaving 1/3 of the gates empty.. the MC came on and said "Just so you know, we also have gates over there *points*" and people rushed to line up at those. It seems like it would be helpful if they painted lines showing where to line up and maybe roped off part of the line area so that after you pass the metal detectors you're routed toward the end of the lines. It would make people more relaxed and less likely to have issues with line jumping or families getting separated. I could be just remembering things wrong though. I can't wait to get back there soon
  9. Hank Hill just got very happy. --Robb That's a clean-burning coaster, I tell you what.
  10. You will have better luck with an unopened bottle.
  11. Deja Vu and Riddler's that I know of. Both are kind of hard to find. For Deja Vu you have to walk past the exit and around to the other side. For Riddler's you walk up the stairway on the load side.
  12. When I was there last month they didn't lock the restraints until they were sure that everyone had listened and buckled the orange belt. Another question.. has anyone ever been injured by putting their feet on the car in front of them? I see how it could happen if you had your knees locked or something.. "Weeee *crack*"
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