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Everything posted by Meli

  1. Ooh I can't wait. The only thing I am hoping for is to be just a little more smooth. I got Matterhorn slammed in the front seat when I rode it in April. I think it was on the side with the most drops.
  2. Oh my... I am guessing that one is really Supposed to be Daniel Craig and not Caruso? I don't recall seeing Caruso without his sunglasses. Hehe. Those are bad, I have no idea on the others. Hey, and I love your and Misty's Adventures. They are fun to follow.
  3. I am reminded of "Creepshow". They could so easily fit a tribute into that ticket booth.
  4. ^ I have a Great Uncle, who is a Pentecostal Reverend. He innocently went into the a store one day looking for some Thongs. Boy, did he get himself a surprise. He had to give one of those back in the day speeches...
  5. Were any of you who tried to order tickets to this event pass holders? I was wondering if they had the upper hand over reserving.
  6. The Epcot Kim Possible Scavenger Hunt is going to be for 2009 (or so we were told). On Halloween, they were doing previews and I actually experienced it with my boyfriend. And afterward, we had to fill out a questionnaire. It's basically a scavenger hunt. They handed us a real cell phone and it instructed us to go to Japan. Once you're there, the Kim Possible characters interact with you via your 'Kimmunicator'. There's some neat little spoilers but I won't give them away. My boyfriend and I were reluctant about trying it, but were glad we did. On observation, the families with little kids seemed to be more involved and interested in exploring Japan. I hope it works out.
  7. A long time ago, Ernest P. Worrell hosted "Count Down to Splash Mountain" which aired back on the Disney channel.
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