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Everything posted by SimpTwister

  1. I don't think the mom should have objected because the prize was suggestive - she should have objected because it's ghetto! It's sad to see parks in 2009 giving out the same trashy prizes they were giving out at the crappiest fairs and carnivals 20 and 30 years ago. I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that they also have Lynyrd Skynyrd mirrors and Harley-Davidson 'tapestries.' And roach clips with big, colorful feathers. - Simp "loves amusement parks, hates ghetto-a$$ carnivals and everything about them" Twister
  2. Elitch's. The best coaster by far is the old Arrow shuttle loop. And there's absolutely no 'atmosphere,' other than 'giant crappy carnival.'
  3. I hope they retheme Deja to match ("Skynet?" "Hunter Killer?"). I'm thinking they probably will, but they haven't said anything about it yet, obviously.
  4. Is that cow supposed to be Elvis or Betty Babs? Either way, it's damn creepy.
  5. This is from a Magic Mountain brochure (slightly OT I guess, since it's not from a magazine):
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