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Posts posted by eBen

  1. If that is a cervix and the baby comes out at relative speed to the rides rotations then the umbilical cord would snap and they would need to start making extra large baseball gloves with more padding.


    ^ Bill I would say its more a senior if you compare the two. Which makes me hope it does not have a presence of any kind in the womb.

  2. The more quiet days are the same for any and everypark, mid week which is ideal for your dates and when there isnt a public holiday. I did this trip on the train and bus a few years back, it went very well and even got a cheap ticket from the bus driver. Who instantly swapped her dutch for english without batting an eyelid. The train I was on didnt have announcments but keep an eye out for the names of the stations and check the train times so you know both when to expect to arrive and when to change trains. Dont be surpised if you stay on the same platform!

  3. Do any of the main theme parks in Orlando let you turn up late afternoon / evening for less money?


    Got a very compact few days planned of rushing about Florida on the start of September and want to maximise park hours without destroying my funds. Only got room for one and a half days for all the Disney parks and looking at doing Seaworld the other evenings when Universal/Busch closes.


    Should I manage to reason with myself the extrodinary cost for just a couple of main rides is worth it, I will also need a way to get from the Seaworld area to the Pop Hotel by public transport. Through my research all I can tell is the I-trolley doesnt go anywhere near.



    Ive heard the 'take time for Disney' and 'dont do Public Transport' arguments and am only intersted in these questions thank you

  4. Once I got over the dissapointment I realised I was having a good time. It was good of Thorpe to think to do an event like that in the first place, and Rush is a highlight ride for me.


    Saw looked very promising, shame I wont find out for myself for a while now but if I get another chance at something like that I would gadly take it.

  5. The trains are on site but the management feel it is best to keep them behind closed doors at the moment.



    If they didn't pull of a true wing dip then may my desperation hope they at least use those pipes to jet water up to the trains, which in turn move that water already airborne onto the crowd.


    In the many tours with Q&A session has anyone actually asked about how the effect will be produced?

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