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  1. It really does look amazing this year, I'm heading over for the first time all the way from the UK with my cousin. I'll be sure to take some videos and pictures to post on here.
  2. Don't know if this has been asked but does anyone know how the evacuation system works?
  3. After my mum got married around 7 years ago I've moved from Scotland to Germany, from Germany to England as my step-dad is with the British army. He's coming out of the army soon and we're making a final move to Canada which I'm really excited about. So here's one for the Canadians! What is Toronto like? Anyway, I hope to be joining some TPR trips while I'm there . MOD EDIT: Edited topic title and description to be a bit more specific. - Tyler (CTU Agent)
  4. What is a credit :S.. I've seen Photo TR's with captions saying "credit for that" Halp?
  5. Hey I'm like, kinda.. New to the forums. Anyway, I used to live next to Heide Park in germany, I'm not german and bla bla bla. I live in England now though. Hope to be active..
  6. That movie looks hot! I really want to see it... After seeing Superbad, it must be awsome!
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