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Everything posted by moviekid21

  1. Is anyone on now that I can visit? Looking for some fruits. I have pears and some cherries I could trade.
  2. moviekid21 Name: Chrisb Friend Code: 2251-4698-2109 AC Name: Chris City: Starwind Fruit: Pears My gate will be open tonight until 11:30pm if anyone wants to bring fruit.
  3. Here's the rest! Enjoy! Area where the Death Drums show will be. Grown Evil Grown Evil Grown Evil Grown Evil Grown Evil Grown Evil Canyon of Souls Canyon of Souls 7 7 7
  4. Here are some photos of SZ construction from Sunday the 11th. Nightmaze Acid Assault Acid Assault Acid Assault-I like the Singing in the Rain reference Acid Assault Acid Assault- There were three or four of these on the ground in different areas of the SZ Acid Assault Acid Assault Acid Assault-Stroller MASSACRE!!! Acid Assault Acid Assault Acid Assault More to come!
  5. I'll be checking things out on Sunday and post some pictures too. The NY Street area looks pretty awesome. Can't wait to see it in action.
  6. Well, I worked at Universal Orlando for HHN 19, and I'm still there working at Blue Man Group at Box Office. Nothing thrilling like working at an Attraction, but I've done attractions, and as much as I love them, working them just isn't my thing.
  7. I'm currently in the program until Jan of 2009! I'm working at Pleasure Island as a Door Host and Cirque's show as an usher. Nothing thrilling, especially since PI will close in Sept. But it has been great so far, and of course, going to the parks on my days off are always awesome.
  8. Well that sucks about the Haunted Mansion Holiday. I was planning on going to WDW instead of DL this year as a five day stay at WDW is cheaper than a three day stay at DL.
  9. I was wondering if anyone knows if WDW does the same thing as DL with their Haunted Mansion and making it all "Nightmare Before Christmas" themed?
  10. I live near Silver Dollar City in Branson, MO which is owned by the same people as Dollywood, and so their almost one in the same. SDC's Christmas celebration is pretty impressive. Most of the coasters don't operate if it's too cold, but the activities, shows and scenery put it above the rest making it worth it. Some of the big name places can learn a thing or two when it comes to holiday celebrating from these parks.
  11. I didn't mean "saddest people" as in that they are lower or less than others. I meant they always have this sad, depressed attitude about life. Trust me though, I have no problems with goths, or punk type of people. Most of my friends go to that each year. I just wasn't sure if people on this site knew about it.
  12. Last weekend goths across America gathered for "Bats Day" at Disneyland. I'm sure unsuspecting visitors were a little shocked to see so many folks sporting heavy eyeliner and parasols standing in line for the Haunted Mansion. www.laweekly.com/index.php?option=com_slideshow&type=1&gallery=726&limit=1&Itemid=565&offset=0 Click above for a photo gallery of the gloomy times that were had. And here is information on Bats Day, if you're interested. www.batsday.net/eventinfo/eventinfo.htm
  13. I was wanting to know from people that have worked at the different parks in Orlando, which one do you think is the best to have a job at? Factor in pay, the duties of your position, advancement options, benefits (such as discounts), and the enjoyment of that position. I'm seriously considering moving out to Orlando, and thinking about getting a job at one of the parks.
  14. I don't know about everyone else, but I LOVED Flashback when I was a kid. Whenever I went to SFMM, it had little or no line, and my friends and I got to ride it about six times in a row. It was as if no one even knew it existed. Personally, it kinda sucks to see that it'd be removed. But hey, hopefully they'll put something else there that's cool.
  15. It's funny, I have the Leatherface mask w/ hair, and the bloody chainsaw that's in the last picture in the bottom left corner . . .
  16. Oh yeah they do. SF St Louis at times is as worse as DisneyLand Cali when I lived out there. And it's pretty bad at DL w/ school groups. Going to SF St Louis on a refular basis, I can def. tell you the times to avoid groups: The last two weekends it's open in October, the last two weeks in May and the first two weeks of June. School groups are esp. rampant during those times.
  17. But don't the parks in the states pull in more money than parks over seas? Eh, it's just unfair.
  18. I just hope everyone doesn't think that I am trying to paint all teenagers as bad. Like I said, I've been to Theme Parks many times when I was in HS, and it was a blast. I owuldn't want to keep other kids from enjoying all the fun times that come from a T.P. visit. But, I couldn't imagine getting out of hand like some of these kids do though. I'd have to say that 4 out of 5 times that I've been to a park, and kids have been there as a school group, they've been pretty bad. You tell someone, and you actually feel kinda stupid "tattle-telling", and then the park though only reacts to a certain degree. They don't want to get the school upset holding half of the kids on the trip in the security office for what some parents call "just being kids", and have them not coming back bringing in the $$. And someone PM'd me asking how do I know that they are in a school group? Do I have a problem with all kids? 1. I know they are in a school group because 90% of the time, they are all wearing some school required shirt or something of that nature. Or the fact that they talk about when their next meet up is, when they have to leave, etc. 2. I don't have a problem at all with kids. I'm a nonbiased hater. If you act stupid, and unrulely, I'm gonna get annoyed with you.
  19. I wouldn't ban them, but I think that the adults with the group, as well as park employees need to step in and do their part in making the place as enjoyable for everyone as possible.
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