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Everything posted by corcat

  1. I've heard all their stuff and I used to love their music (I still love alot of the old stuff). Then they put out St. Anger and I was sooooooooo Shocked that they would release something sooooooo ****n' CRAPPY! And " The New Song" sounds even S***ier than that. I hope they clean up their act soon, cuase as a long time fan I don't know how much more dissapointment I can take.
  2. We did have alot of Fun, and here's a few more pics The refurbished train, and the Rattler Train The rattler, LOTS of FUN!!! Mickey riding a kiddie ride, she looks so proper, LOL Close up of Mickey Close up of Stephan
  3. Hey Ellisa, its Corina, crispy's wife(God have mercy on my soul) anyway can you make one up for me thanks Corina "Chris needs to do the damn dishes"
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