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Posts posted by scruffy

  1. ^ I agree...I rode it with my Dad in the front seat at night last weekend and it was running like it used to back in the day - absolutely insane, but not super rough. Diamondback at night was a lot of fun too.


    I honestly didn't remember the trims coming on Beast, but they might have...anyone know if they have even been known it to run occasionally without the trims?


    Back when the Beast had the old skid breaks and it had rained you could get a ride like the trims where off.

  2. Did they do something to the trough on the log flume?I saw in a different thread, Reon alluding to it being painful.I also read a similar statement on a different board.If they did,was it just the turnaround after the drop?I have never noticed anything out of the ordinary in prior years.Also, it looks like the elephant was removed,I for one am glad to see it gone.


    Be on the look out for Snoopy. ;)

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