My name is Alan. I am only 10 years old but turning 11 on June 19th.
My local theme park is quite small, and it is called 'Rainbows End'.
It is located in Manukau, Auckland Nz.
It has only three coasters; An arrow loop and corscrew simply called 'Corscrew', A cool half dark ride half land hugging coaster like Nemesis called the 'Goldrush'
And a cool kiddies coaster.
The New Trains Look Very Cool!!! But the old X fiberglass covers looked cool. but with the new trains they do not exist, so it looks kinda ugly.
So with the old trains you get pain and good looks, and with the new trains
you get smoothness and bad looks. But I Think That The smoothness will
override the ugly look.
Yes!!!!! nz is tiny and noone notices us. its like
nz: Hello!!!! dont step on me!!!!!
nz:@#%$!!!!! that hurt!!!!!
NZ:yes its me little tiny nz way down here!!!!!!!!!
America:HUMPH!!!! I SLILL HEAR IT (america looks down)OH LITTLE TINY NZ.... BYE!!!!!!SPLAT!!!!!!!
NZ:i think i can see the light.......TINY CONTRY NZ DEAD.
Hello Peoples!
I am going to the west coast from new zealand (yes nz is the little country next to au!) so I need some tips about going to SFMM, KBF, Disneyland, SFDK, universal sudios and legoland. PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!