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Posts posted by ncf
No, hyper, mega and giga are just the companies terms for their coaster types, like TTD, it's not a freakin "strata" who ever made that up It's an Intamin accelerator. The height term are just something that some enthusiasts has made up and started to use, and I find it extremely annoying when people call any 200+ ft coaster a "hyper coaster"
Hyvä Suomi!!
I can't say I loved that song but it feels great to be finnish in Norway now
I never go to the different forums, I just check "view posts since your last visit" a few times a day, and I only open the topics that look interesting, and I hardly ever read a long post, over 5-8 lines
What the heck is DIO?
It's MEGA coaster, not hyper! A hyper is an Arrow coaster!
Music(Deep Dish Dot Com Remix) - Madonna
I thought you were that old guy with long dark hair that you keep posting pictures of...
yes, when I was 5, our car got off the slippery road a winter in Finland, and actually only two days ago I fell asleep behind the wheel for like a second, and I was on my way off the road
did you have a nice Syttende Mai?
When I make a very accurate drawing I usually draw at least 50% of the outlines before I start shading, but this is just a small project just for fun, and I am pretty inpatient with it
I have just started on a drawing of Tatsu!
There was just an AMAZING rainbow outside
It's either an Intamin rocket or mega, what other red Intamins are there
Awesome! I have actually also been thinking about drawing some coaster with chalk pastels, because we've used them at school and I found them easy and fast to use
My contacts feel extra comfortable when they get some wind, like on a coaster
Check out this Chinese rocket!
The airtime on that hill must be EXTREME!!! It is so tiny compared to the loop, and it is right after it
That's not finnish! What does it mean?
Yesterday I wrote down all the different forms of some verbs, nouns, pronouns and adjectives in the finnish language that I could think of. I'm impressed how complicated my language actually is! I hadn't learned very much at school yet before we moved to Norway.
Here are all the different forms of to be in english: be, is, am, are, was, were and been. That's all I can think of. To be is olla in finnish, and here are the different forms of to be in finnish!
The ending on the 'original' word is also different for each individual verb!
olla ......(to be)
on ...................(is)
oli ...................(was)
ollut ................(been)
olen ................(I am)
olet .................(you are)
olemme ...........(we are)
olette ..............(you are)
olevat ..............(they are)
olin .................(I was)
olit ..................(you were)
olimme ............(we were)
olitte ................(you were)
olivat ...............(they were)
olleet ...............(have been)
olisin ................(I would be)
olisit .................(you would be)
olisi ..................(it would be)
olisimme ...........(we would be)
olisitte ...............(you would be)
olisivat ..............(they would be)
olenpa ..............(I am so _)
oletpa ...............(you are so _)
onpa .................(it is so _)
olemmepa ..........(we are so _)
olettepa .............(you are so _)
olevatpa ............(they are so _)
olinpa ................(I was so _)
olitpa .................(you were so_)
olipa ..................(it was so _)
olimmepa ...........(we were so _)
olittepa ...............(you were so _)
olivatpa ...............(they were so _)
olenko ................(am I(?))
oletko .................(were you(?))
onko ...................(is it(?))
olemmeko ...........(are we(?))
oletteko ...............(are you(?))
olevatko...............(are they(?))
olinko ..................(was I(?))
olitko ...................(were you(?))
oliko ....................(was it(?))
olimmeko .............(were we(?))
olitteko .................(were you(?))
olivatko ................(were they(?))
olemaan ...............(going to be/being)
olisinko .................(would I be(?))
olisitko ..................(would you be(?))
olisiko ...................(would it be(?))
olisemmeko ...........(would we be(?))
olisetteko ...............(would you be(?))
olisevatko ..............(would they be(?))
olemalla ................(by being _)
ollakkaan ...............((it can't) be after all)
olematta ................(be without _)
olenkin ..................((yes) I am)
oletkin ...................((yes) you are)
onkin .....................((yes) it is)
olemmekin .............((yes) we are)
olettekin.................((yes) you are)
olevatkin ................((yes) they are)
olinkin ....................((yes) I was
olitkin .....................((yes) you were
olikin .....................((yes) it was)
olimmekin ..............((yes) we were)
olittekin .................((yes) you were)
olivatkin ................((yes) they were)
To demonstrate that the endings on other verbs are dirrerent, here are all the same forms of to go:
Mennä, menee, meni, mennyt, menen, menet, menemme, menette, menevät, menin, menit, menimme, menitte, menivät, menisin, menisit, menisi, menisimme, menisitte, menisivät, menenpä, menetpä, meneepä, menemmepä, menettepä, menevätpä, meninpä, menitpä, menipä, menimmepä, menittepä, menivätpä, menenkö, menetkö, meneekö, menemmekö, menettekö, menivätkö, menemään, menisinkö, menisitkö, menisikö, menisimmekö, menisittekö, menisivätkö, menemällä, mennäkkään, menemättä, menenkin, menetkin, meneekin, menemmekin, menettekin, menevätkin, menisinkin, menisitkin, menisikin, menisimmekin, menisittekin, menisivätkin.
This is just how verbs are. I'll come back with nouns later, unless this is all just crap Norwegian is nothing like this at all, it's more like english...
Blame it all on alcohol. Everything would be so much better if it didn't exist. 50% of all crime (in Norway atleats) involves alcohol.
Why would they get another rocket coaster?
Because of what I just said!!
It could also be a rocket coaster with many inversions. I don't think something like that would be too much like TTD. CP has MF and Magnum and they are much more like each other than TTD and a multi inversion rocket would be...
I think I might have got sunburned today. I hope I won't look like a lobster later tonight
Delicious clean norwegian *free* water right from the sink!
-I eat absolutely everything (just at long as I know it's safe of course )
-I can't see very much without my contacts
-I once broke my left arm in half
-I think abusing alcohol to get drunk is "dirty" and "wrong"
-I almost never have headache (probably 1-3 times a year)
I heard it takes years for a gum to go through your 'system' ...so I'd never swallow
What Rides Scares the Crud Out Of You?
in Theme Parks, Roller Coasters, & Donkeys!
I've never been scared.