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About 1badgmc

  • Birthday 11/11/1976

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  1. There have been four released so far (each with a hands up and hands down version). 2015 had both red and blue, 2016 green and 2017 black with glow in the dark wheels. There's a purple one coming out soon for 2018 and yes, it'll have hands up and hands down versions as well. 2015 Red 2016 Green 2015 Blue 2017 Black 2018
  2. Sad. I love those rides. So do my kids. They were disappointed it was closed when we stopped at the park in June.
  3. Even my kids were pretty worn out after a full 10-10 12 hours on Saturday. lol Valravn had a pretty solid line all day and probably would have been our longest wait, but after about 15 minutes in line it broke down so we bailed and moved on to something else. We never came back to it on Saturday. I knew we'e be back the next day, so I was concentrating on trying to get the kids to experience as much as possible on day 1 so we could relax on day 2 to fill in anything we missed and then get re-rides. Oh, now that would have been cool!
  4. I surprised my 3 kids with their first ever visit to CP last weekend (Saturday and Sunday June 3 & 4) and my first visit since 2009. I hoped crowds wouldn't be too bad since I had never been on an actual weekend before. Saturday was pretty good. Maverick was our longest wait at around 45 minutes, but we never waited more than 30 minutes for anything else. Sunday was a different story, though. I have NEVER been to any park so empty in my life. All of my best days at CP have come with a little precipitation. There was a little light rain when we got to the park, but it was all done and gone by around 10:45, but it was enough to keep crowds away. Most coasters were no more than 1 or 2 train waits. After our second ride of the day on MF, they were just letting us walk straight from the exit platform to the loading platform, so that we were getting right back onto the train we just got off of. My kids were completely in awe of the place and had an amazing time. My wife and I had a blast watching their reactions to it all. I took these pics in the early afternoon. I'll probably never see this place so empty again.
  5. My trip is only slightly shorter, but I'll be right on your tail. My wife and I haven't been since 2009 and it will be the first visit for my 3 kids. They don't have a clue we're going either and we're not telling them until they can see the park.
  6. Correct. I ended up at the same location by looking at the angle of MF's lifthill and first drop (since the photo is taken dead-on MF) and I also googled the sunset angle for Sandusky. The dedication! I'm a photographer, so I'm often looking beyond what's seen in an image.
  7. I looked at the alignment of Power Tower and Wicked Twister. If you open a map and draw a line from Power Tower and across Wicked Twister right next to the forward spike and then continue dragging that line, it ends up hitting land just west of Vermillion, OH, about 15 miles away.
  8. haha...Yeah, you're welcome. It took me a while to figure that one out too.
  9. Turn off Auto Tunnel when building those pieces at ground level and it won't do that.
  10. People like to use Texas as a marketing thing. For example, the Texas Roadhouse chain of restaurants originated in Clarksville, Indiana of all places.
  11. LOL...Yeah. We're looking at close to 80 degrees today here in mid-January.
  12. No. From that image of the top of Giant, the Batman Stunt Show theater was located off the image to the right of the Oil Derrick.
  13. Don't forget to ride Tigr'r when you visit. People never mention it when talking about the park and they probably pass it up when visiting, but it's a great classic Schwarzkopf that shouldn't be missed.
  14. Air Racer was one of my favorites growing up too. I remember the first time riding it and thinking how cool it was to be able to look down and see the Runaway Mine Train's tunnel under the water. There was a place on US377 west of Denton that had a pair of the Air Racer planes sitting out front for sale for several years. One had its wings and the other one didn't. I always wished I could buy them. The business closed up a few years ago and something else is in that location now. Whenever I drive past now, I always wonder what happened to the planes.
  15. Casa Magnetica. It's closed now, but they did have it open for a season a while back. I think maybe it was 2011 for the 50th anniversary?
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