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Posts posted by vjgx

  1. Note: Uses improved friction!


    Lateralus, inspired by the Tool album of the same name, is a very unique woodie. The first drop is a sidewinding triple-down designed to feel like a bumpy descent down a mountain, while the rest of the ride is full of strange banking angles, high-speed curves and hills, and general intensity. Maintaining an average speed of 50-60 mph (aside from the MCBR), this ride is meant to keep up its pace for it's entire length. Enjoy!


    This ride was not designed to be perfect or incredibly smooth, but simply as a 2-hour experiment with banking and strange transitions. Therefore, it is not my best work, but I still think it's worth a try.


    Lateralus 1.0 by vjgx


    Lateralus 1.0

  2. Nice TR... I like the night photos.


    As for Silver Bullet, it's good to see it running more forcefully. Last time I was there (Feb. 2nd), it was running surprisingly slow, with relatively no forces. Even the helix was boring, and many parts felt like we were stalling.


    On an average day, I'd say Silver Bullet is a fun ride with an interesting layout, but it lacks the intensity that makes a coaster really re-ridable. The overbanked turn is cool, and the slow-speed zero-g roll is an interesting alternative to the usual quicker ones. Otherwise, it's a very smooth invert with a nice layout that suffers from a lack of intensity.


    Xcelerator on the other hand... is always great. It's almost always smooth, very intense, and has good airtime on the top hat in every seat. Plus, it usually has very short wait times when I'm there... In fact, I've only gotten one relatively poor ride on it. Usually, the seats near the back are fine... and the ride was even running well that day. But for some reason, one of my rides a few rows from the back was very rough... tons of vibrating and rattling, and the pull-up into the top hat almost felt like a slightly smoother part of GhostRider...


    As for GhostRider... I never rode it back in the good old days... My first ride was in June 2006. The ride nowadays is very tempermental, along with having unpredictable levels of roughness for each seat... I've had middle-row rides smoother than front-row ones, and vice versa. Overall, it's a very rough ride that's fun if you can handle some beating... Especially on the turns after the first drop, the turn before the turnaround over the station, and the turn after the ejector drop. Those turns usually crack at least a few joints in my neck and back...


    So yeah... my opinions.

  3. My top 10 of no particular order:


    1. The Riddler's Revenge - To me, this is more than the world's tallest and fastest stand-up coaster... It's a very special coaster to me because it's the one thing that changed me from coaster-phobic to a coaster lover, all in under 2 minutes.


    2. Log Flume (any type) - A very classic ride. Always fun, and almost always well-done.


    3. Ferris Wheel - Nothing like a great view for the less thrill-inclined guests!


    4. Xcelerator - This thing was the start of the Intamin rocket coasters... and though it may be one of the smallest, I'll always love it!


    5. Drop rides (any type) - Take the best part of coasters -- airtime -- and make a ride based on it... GENIUS!!


    6. Bumper Cars - The best way to take out anger at a theme park.


    7. X - I haven't ridden it yet... But the whole idea of the ride is revolutionary -- good or not.


    8. Psyclone - Everyone but me hates this ride. I actually quited liked it! It's a good test of how tough you are... and what your threshold for lack of fun is on a coaster.


    9. Batman The Ride - A very revolutionary ride for its time... and still has some of the best forces around!


    10. The Tram - This thing is a Godsend when your legs are sore at the end of the day...

  4. Yeah... What Elissa said, but Xcelerator's in rehab on the 27th. Get there early, then run to GhostRider. When you finish with GhostRider, get to Silver Bullet. After that would typically come Xcelerator... But in this case, it's Supreme Scream. If you wanna ride Montezooma's Revenge or Jaguar!, do those next... After that, you can do whatever you want.

  5. As for changing the date, I would do it just to ride Xcelerator. It's an awesome ride, and if you have the chance, it's worth a change of date.


    I'm not sure how busy Knott's would be on Saturday the 3rd, because I haven't been there on a Saturday any time recently... But I've heard that it gets more crowded than any other day. Sundays are usually pretty good days to go, or if possible, weekdays.


    Xcelerator's line has averaged around 10-20 minutes for me, depending on the crowds... The shortest it's been is walk-on, but the longest has been an hour and a half... It's kind of random.

  6. Age: 16

    Middle Name: Edward

    Pet Peeve: People who lie or follow trends, no matter how dumb the trend is.

    Color of your bathroom: White and light pink

    Best Movie of ALL time: The Matrix

    Best Song of ALL time: Gravity by Audiovent / Through the Fire and Flames by DragonForce

    Best TV Shows: Family Guy, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, and Mythbusters

    Favorite Band/Artist: Audiovent / DragonForce / Gnarls Barkley

    Favorite Ride at Disney Parks: Space Mountain

    Yummiest Ice Cream: Cookie dough

    If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be: Not sure...

    Morning Person or Night Person: Night

    Pets: None... my dog passed away last month.

    Favorite Color: Navy

    Where you would go for fun (not an amusement park): Japan

    Coke or Pepsi: Coke

    Opinion about Peanut Butter and Jelly: Good, but in small doses

    Best Vacation Spot: Las Vegas!

    Cook or Go Out: Go out

    Favorite coaster: The Riddler's Revenge / Xcelerator / Tatsu (tie)

    Favorite videogame: Half-Life 2

    Favorite boardgame: Life

    Favorite book: No favorite

    Favorite magazine: Wired

    Non Coaster Pastimes: Art, music, etc.

    Wishes: Success and a good relationship/family

    Films I'm looking forward to : The Simpsons Movie, Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film For Theaters, Ocean's Thirteen

    Favourite inversion: Zero-G Roll / Dive Loop (tie)

    Favourite ride (non-rollercoaster): Supreme Scream at KBF (I need to get out)

    Favourite type of car: Corvette

    Favorite food: Pizza

    Favorite Actor: None

    Favorite non- board game: Texas Hold'em

  7. ::VOLCANIS::

    by vjgx


    Height: 204 ft

    Speed: 67 mph

    Length: 5338 ft

    Inversions: 10




    Volcanis is a roller coaster set inside a steaming volcano. Featuring 10 inversions and g-forces up to 5.3 g's, this is a ride not for the faint of heart. Due to the jagged structure of the volcano's interior, supports for this ride were affixed very awkwardly, to walls, floors, and other supports. Many foot-choppers await, so riders over 6' 4' may not ride.


    Element list:


    - 204 ft lift hill

    - 164 ft drop

    - 156 ft loop

    - 156 ft Immelman

    - 2 inline twists

    - Twist and dive

    - MCBR

    - 111 ft drop

    - Cobra roll

    - Zero-G roll

    - Turnaround

    - Flatspin

    - Turnaround

    - Flatspin

    - Downward Helix

    - Brakes


    Enjoy your ride on Volcanis! Volcanis is best experienced in the Heavy Fog environment.


    Volcanis by vjgx


    Volcanis's Downward Helix

  8. I have to say, "Crazy" by Gnarls Barkley has annoyed the ever living poo poo out of me since I first heard it. So glad the radio is still killing it to death.
    No offense, but I highly disagree. Ever since hearing that song and buying the album, Gnarls Barkley is one of my favorite duos of all time. Yes, Crazy is overplayed, but at least it's not generic rap or hip-hop... It's something fresh and original.


    The album as a whole is experimental, and every song is great on its own. I'm very surprised that the great new single, Smiley Faces, hasn't become popular yet!

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