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Posts posted by Jumboshrmp

  1. Wow, thanks for the update!


    The photos were great, especially the first two pictures with the curvy track pieces.


    Glad to see that some of the gravity track has finally arrived.


    Construction is still just dirt for the most part though. Footers don't really excite me, but I love seeing the actual supports going up, and as long as we still don't know the layout, I'll be looking at the track pieces trying to figure out what they are. It looks like the pieces in the pictures on the photo update were probably from the first drop. The twisty piece looks like the curve at the top of the drop.


    I'm constantly refreshing this thread for updates or comments on the ride, I'm very excited about this one.

  2. The dual loading station looks pretty neat. On other coasters with a dual loading station, how does is the line split up? Do they have a greeter in the line that asks how many in your party and assigns you to a certain side and a row, or do you just get in whichever side you want?


    Is it likely that you will get to choose your row? When I went on Kraken you could choose your row, but the park was very slow that day, so it may be different when they are busy.


    Also, are the gates to board the coaster in between the two tracks, or on the outside? It would seem easier to find an empty row if they were in between.

  3. This is what I've been waiting for since the announcement was made!


    Thanks for posting the pictures, I love seeing things like this. Now that track has finally arrived, I also hope that they do not show us the layout. I am excited about slowly figuring out what everything is going to be, now that track is there.


    Hopefully some actual gravity track won't take too long to show up, the station/transfer/brake track on B&Ms has always looked weird to me, the cross-ties are really high off the spine.


    The track switcher segment for the dual station is pretty cool looking.


    And what's this? (Click it, it's a thumbnail linky)

    Is that the lift motor?


    And are those smaller things behind it motors for the friction wheels?

  4. I'm getting so excited about this event, and I still probably won't be able to go this year. It's a shame, bloody mary was one of my favorite childhood scary stories, and after seeing Mirrors, I've been quite nervous every time I walk past one at night.


    What really sucks, is that I have to see HHN stuff almost every day, and it's cool to see, but it's a huge tease.


    I work as a bagger at a grocery store (I make enough money for now) and the managers set up a bunch of HHN cardboard displays and a giant stand where you can buy a gift card thing that you can activate in the store to get a discount on tickets.


    We even have a few static clings of bloody mary that we put up inside the windows.

  5. Actually I rode Gwazi with no previous expectations, and it is the only coaster that I can say I did not enjoy in any way, shape, or form. Absolutely horrible, and looking at some of the onride photos at the end, I wondered how many drugs some of the riders had to have been taking to be smiling like they were.


    Other than that, cool trip report, and nice photos.

    I live right close to boomers, and you should have gone on the GravityWorks skyscraper that they have there. It's the scariest ride I've ever been on, and probably the best too.

  6. ^Same here. I was at Riddler's on a windy day, and as we sent a test train it vallied between Incline and Mid Course. That's when I got certified for Tatsu.


    Riddler's Revenge?


    I can't believe a B&M valleyed, that surprises me.


    What I hoped to find out when I was reading this thread is, how do you move a train if it valleys somewhere that isn't near a block zone?


    Do they need to get a crane and disassemble the train, then put it back together in the maintenance shed?

  7. I recently talked to someone that went on a trip to cedar point. I was asing him a few questions about the coasters there, and he said this:


    "Did you know that Maverick is going to be made taller because people are disappointed that it isn't as tall as magnum and nobody wants to ride it?"


    Said by someone I know that was expelled from my high school last year for vandalizing the gym with a fire extinguisher.

  8. Your first photo trip report?


    It was a great one!


    I loved your pictures of montu, especially the awesome angle of that Zero G roll, and the shot of the batwing. Batwings are rare elements on B&Ms, and I saved your picture to my coaster folder to get a good look at it since there aren't many pics of it on the web (since its in the back).


    I agree that Gwazi runs like crap, but I wouldn't know that it doesn't duel properly anymore, because when I went, they didn't duel at all.

  9. Come on already, lets see the layout!


    This is the only new 2009 coaster that I'll probably get to ride next year.


    I'm seriously so excited about this. The last time a B&M was built in Florida I was still afraid of coasters. (EDIT: actually, not Sheikra, but it was already built by the time I read about it, because I lost my fear of coasters the month before.)


    Have there been any B&M flying coasters besides Air that do not have a pretzel?

    I want it to have one, because I have heard it's the highlight of the B&M flyers, but I also think it might fit the ride's "theme" better if there wasn't one.


    You know what would be a cool idea? Have a splashdown like Sheikra has. The riders can lie on their backs and the scoops can be underneath the last car.


    Then, you might actually be able to the splashdown on the ride too.

  10. ^Or you could just add another helix that goes the other way...Just a thought.


    The helix takes a ton of energy away from the train though, it's a very gradual constant upwards climb where the train has a little bit of lateral force on the guide wheels (which slows it down a lot).


    I don't think it would work if I added any other elements to it.


    But I certainly won't keep this layout forever. I'm probably going to change everything after the imelman in a few weeks.

  11. Dude this is great work! I love the layout and that helix is awesome! It really hits those breaks hard though Great job!

    I like the helix too!


    I realize that it hits the brakes hard, there's plenty of energy left to go for quite a while too.


    I still have three track segments left from the two kits... that's 12 feet. But if I expanded it, I would have to take out the helix... no way!

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