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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/02/2024 in all areas

  1. So sad, Ghostrider closed all day Monday but not on the closed list. Boardwalk BBQ still great and here comes my ride SoCal has nice weather for many months I was able to get a first row, middle row and back row before they had an employee assigning people to lines. One of the gifts of Prestige Pass of getting throught the lines early. It looks nice from Sky Cabin Poor old Ghostrider was broken all day I did get BBQ - health fruit and salad options Berry and chicken salads I ended up with a half-chicken with mashed potatoes and boysenberry beer. The food was on the meal plan but not the beer
    2 points
  2. Great Nor'easter rides great for an SLC now, but granted that was a ground-up rebuild. Time will tell with this one I guess.
    1 point
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